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The Anchorage Museum library includes books, maps, and print resources focused on Alaska and the Circumpolar North. The public is welcome to access the collection and conduct research on-site during open hours, or by appointment.
The Anchorage Museum archives include historic photographs and print materials covering a broad range of topics related to Alaska and the Circumpolar North. Some materials are available online, while others are available for detailed research on site at the Bob and Evangeline Atwood Alaska Resource Center.
[unidentified ship anchored in an unidentified harbor with shoreline in the background]
Keywords: ship, harbor, port
Collection: B1973.079 Cron Collection
[woman walking along rocky shoreline; April 1941; likely Washington]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_2018
T228 Homer, Alaska "air view" [roads, structures, shoreline]
Collection: B1998.014 Brickley
Canneries. Bering Sea. [distant view of buildings and boats on shoreline]
Collection: B2013.059
[photograph of a Sydney Laurence painting of a cabin and boat on a shoreline, mountains in background]
Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection
[four soldiers in amphibious vehicle crossing lake, building on shoreline in distance]
Keywords: military, transportation
Collection: B1995.014
Earthquake damage to Turnagain Arm area, May 12, 1964 [aerial of shoreline]
Collection: B2012.030
Canneries. Bering Sea. [view of shoreline from water, with boat anchored right]
Collection: B2013.059
[Indigenous Alaskan man fishing from shoreline; additional people fishing in background]
Keywords: Indigenous, BIPOC, Alaska, Alaskan, Man, Fishing, Fisher, Fishing pole, Pole, Rode, Shoreline, Shore
Collection: B2022.005 Amidon
[woman squatting on rocky shoreline wearing one glove; April 1941; likely Washington]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_2018
"Ground; 5/30/46" [aerial view of snow, possibly ice, shoreline; mountains in distance]
Collection: B1998.014 Brickley
[view along shoreline, boat in foreground, church in distance; print date Sep 58]
Collection: B2012.006
[man wearing heavy clothing posed on shoreline, village buildings and radomes in background; no date]
Collection: B2012.006
July 1983, scenics and tundra [view looking up shoreline; road, beach, fireweed]
Collection: B2017.024
“Scenes on Cook’s Inlet” [barefoot woman posed on rocky shoreline] [Dena'ina Elnena, Tikahtnu]
Keywords: Dena'ina, Dena'ina Elnena, Tanaina, Tikahtnu, Cook's Inlet, Cooks Inlet, Cook Inlet, Inlet, Waterway, Woman, Barefoot, Shoreline, Waterway
Collection: B2019.003
P-316. Hewitt's (Gill netters) [two fishermen posed at shoreline with net containing fish]
Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection
"Sept 1958 Newtok" [view possibly from boat of shoreline, structure, likely fish drying rack, river]
Collection: B1991.011 Christine Heller Collection
“Scenes on Cook’s Inlet” [woman posed underneath rock outcropping on shoreline] [Dena'ina Elnena, Tikahtnu]
Keywords: Dena'ina, Dena'ina Elnena, Tanaina, Tikahtnu, Cook's Inlet, Cooks Inlet, Cook Inlet, Inlet, Waterway, Woman, Rock, Rocky, Boulder, Outcropping, Rock formations, Shoreline
Collection: B2019.003
“Scenes on Cook’s Inlet” [woman posed near rock outcropping on shoreline] [Dena'ina Elnena, Tikahtnu]
Keywords: Dena'ina, Dena'ina Elnena, Tanaina, Tikahtnu, Cook's Inlet, Cooks Inlet, Cook Inlet, Inlet, Waterway, Woman, Rock, Rocky, Boulder, Outcropping, Rock formations, Shoreline
Collection: B2019.003
“Scenes on Cook’s Inlet” [woman sitting underneath rock outcropping on shoreline] [Dena'ina Elnena, Tikahtnu]
Keywords: Dena'ina, Dena'ina Elnena, Tanaina, Tikahtnu, Cook's Inlet, Cooks Inlet, Cook Inlet, Inlet, Waterway, Woman, Rock, Rocky, Boulder, Outcropping, Rock formations, Shoreline, Mountain, Mountains, Mountain range
Collection: B2019.003
23-2 clouds at Saxman; 8/13 [1939; scenic view with wood structure in foreground; road; shoreline]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_2018
23-2 clouds at Saxman; 8/13 [1939; scenic view with wood structure in foreground; road; shoreline]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_2018
(O64 Ketchikan harbor) [view looking northwest along shoreline, structures, storage tanks, roads, ships]
Collection: B1998.014 Brickley
(O64 Ketchikan Harbor) [view looking northwest along shoreline, roads, automobiles, storage tanks, structures]
Collection: B1998.014 Brickley
T98 Ketchikan, Alaska (harbor) [view of shoreline; structures, automobiles, road, fuel storage tanks, water]
Collection: B1998.014 Brickley
Dora Keen Handy, 1924. Lake Champlain [Dora sitting under tree roots along shoreline]
Collection: B2015.008
67-1; March 1941; Scene along Columbia River above Lake Chelan [likely a pipeline at shoreline; Washington]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_2018
70-3; Indian town from Fitz's scow [view of structures at shoreline; pilings; boats; Sitka; August 1941]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_2018
70-3; Indian town from Fitz's scow [view of structures at shoreline; pilings; boats; Sitka; August 1941]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_2018
71-4; man on rocks [man sitting above shoreline; boats moored in background; August 1941; Sitka]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_2018
25-2; Tyee & clouds [steamship TYEE with shoreline, structures, mountains in background, 1939, likely near Ketchikan]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_2018
25-2; Tyee & clouds [steamship TYEE with shoreline, structures, mountains in background, 1939, likely near Ketchikan]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_2018
Kotzebue 1957 [view down gravel street in front of walled tents, soldiers in uniform on path, shoreline on left]
Keywords: houses, residences
Collection: B2014.009
Waves on rocky shoreline, Smith Island, P.W.S., Alaska, [Alaska Cities - Prince William Sound], c. 1991
Keywords: Randy Brandon, Third Eye Photography, Alaska Cities, Prince William Sound, Smith Island, Waves
Collection: B2016.019
July 1983, aerials, villages [structures along roadway, shoreline with driftwood, automobiles, quonset, snow fences in distance]
Collection: B2017.024
“Scenes on Cook’s Inlet” [woman sitting on rock outcropping along shoreline at low tide] [Dena'ina Elnena, Tikahtnu]
Keywords: Dena'ina, Dena'ina Elnena, Tanaina, Tikahtnu, Cook's Inlet, Cooks Inlet, Cook Inlet, Inlet, Waterway, Woman, Rock, Outcropping, Rocky, Boulder, Shoreline, Low tide
Collection: B2019.003
T63 Kodiak, Alaska [scenic view of shoreline, mountains, structures, two children are in meadow in left foreground; copy neg]
Collection: B1998.014 Brickley
July 1983, aerials, villages [shoreline with structures between beach and roadway; motor home at lower left; mountains in distance]
Collection: B2017.024
July 1983, aerials, villages [shoreline with canvas wall structures, tent, roads, waterways, ponds, tundra, mountain in distance]
Collection: B2017.024
Beach at Seward. Eugene Underwood [cabins along shoreline, driftwood in foreground, woman walking along beach at left, circa 1914]
Keywords: houses, residences
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC / Album 1
Yukon River, Circle, Alaska. Hewitt's Photo [pile of driftwood at right, pilot house of boat visible at shoreline. copy neg]
Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection