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The Anchorage Museum library includes books, maps, and print resources focused on Alaska and the Circumpolar North. The public is welcome to access the collection and conduct research on-site during open hours, or by appointment.
The Anchorage Museum archives include historic photographs and print materials covering a broad range of topics related to Alaska and the Circumpolar North. Some materials are available online, while others are available for detailed research on site at the Bob and Evangeline Atwood Alaska Resource Center.
Anchorage Museum Archive Image Search
The Anchorage Museum Archive collection includes more than 700,000 photographs and print materials
on Alaska and the Circumpolar North, with 94,934 items scanned and searchable online.
Enter your search in the box above, or simply click on the search icon to see a random selection of images from the archives.
Please note, we are actively reviewing and updating our records. There may be language and images that are culturally sensitive or include outdated language that does not reflect the mission and goals of our institution today. We consent to input and recommendations from the public as we work on decolonizing our collections.
Animals: reindeer. Copy - reindeer. [reindeer on a hill, snow]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990.014.5.Animals
[man and children sitting next to drummers, children with cans of Crush soda pop; print date Mar 79. Cf. .1836a]
Collection: B2017.029
P-556. Matanuska Valley. Hewitt's Photo Shop [aerial]
Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection
P-59. Hewitt's (Buildings in early Palmer) [man on bulldozer leveling land next to wood frame garage or barn, with second building in background]
Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990_014_5_AKNative
(people)( a man dressed in Arabic dress)
Keywords: costume
Collection: B1994.022 Hoyt Collection
T35 Brickley, Anchorage - Alaska (1948 postcard, 300 - 3) [similar to .1642]
Collection: B1998.014 Brickley
[from verso} pub 53 [man wearing hooded jacket and rucksack stands on rocky overlook; mountains, likely river in distance; Machetanz]
Collection: B2002.019
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990.014.5.Anc.Air / Anchorage Air / Anchorage Air 5
(Stovall Wm Passport Photos 1942)
Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection / Passport Photos
B119 Pioneer Hardware Bldg, Homer, Alaska [gravel road, trees, water in distance]
Collection: B1998.014 Brickley
O15 Mastadon tusk - University of Alaska (1949 postcard) [copy neg; Fairbanks; man carrying tusk over his shoulders; tusks laying on the ground in left side of image, structures in backgroud, birch trees]
Collection: B1998.014 Brickley
[Erickson Albert Passport Photos 1942]
Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection / Passport Photos
Our dogs slept the blizzard out with no protection. Photographer's number: 04594.
Keywords: animals, transportation, winter, weather, snow
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990.014.4
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990_014_5_AKNative
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990.014.5.Anc.Air / Anchorage Air / Anchorage Air 19
Round Table pizza interior [Anchorage - Buildings - Round Table Pizza], 1985
Keywords: Randy Brandon, Third Eye Photography, Anchorage, Buildings, Round Table Pizza, Restaurants
Collection: B2016.019
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990.014.5.ARR / ARR 2
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990.014.5.ARR / B90_14_5_ARR.1
[man and children sitting next to drummers, children with cans of Crush soda pop; print date Mar 79. Cf. .1836a]
Collection: B2017.029
24-2 Chief Johnson's totem [bird's eye view of totem surrounded by structures, businesses, domiciles; Mother's Kitchen at lower left; potted plants on roof; stairways and boardwalks; Ketchikan; 1939]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_2018
Trading with the Esquimaux. Observe the stone ornaments the man has in his lips. They are inserted from the inside, a shoulder preventing it from coming all the way through. Photo by C.W. Mathers, Edmonton [man wearing parka with tusk gussets and labrets with woman wearing Yupik-style parka, both standing next to tent, child peeking out from tent flap, trader at right holding scrimshawed knife or story knife]
Collection: B1970.073 Minnesota Historical Collection
"Construction; April 1963 (new snow)" [earthmovers; dragline excavator; structure in distance]
Collection: B1998.014 Brickley
Ron Senungetuk teaches Wainwright Eskimo art of carving in soapstone at Wainwright, Program of University of Alaska
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990_014_5_TV
50-4; Sun thru smoke [smoke rising from structures, water and bird in flight in foreground; likely 1940, Ketchikan]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_2018
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990_014_5_AKNative