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The Anchorage Museum library includes books, maps, and print resources focused on Alaska and the Circumpolar North. The public is welcome to access the collection and conduct research on-site during open hours, or by appointment.
The Anchorage Museum archives include historic photographs and print materials covering a broad range of topics related to Alaska and the Circumpolar North. Some materials are available online, while others are available for detailed research on site at the Bob and Evangeline Atwood Alaska Resource Center.
Anchorage Museum Archive Image Search
The Anchorage Museum Archive collection includes more than 700,000 photographs and print materials
on Alaska and the Circumpolar North, with 94,934 items scanned and searchable online.
Enter your search in the box above, or simply click on the search icon to see a random selection of images from the archives.
Please note, we are actively reviewing and updating our records. There may be language and images that are culturally sensitive or include outdated language that does not reflect the mission and goals of our institution today. We consent to input and recommendations from the public as we work on decolonizing our collections.
[soldiers wearing snowshoes and backpacks on traverse, McKinley rescue squad operation]
Keywords: mountaineering, military
Collection: B1995.014
GZ-191 (Snowbound, Golden Zone) [cabin covered in snow]
Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990_014_5_AKNative
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990.014.5.Anc.Air
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990.014.5.Anc.Air / Anchorage Air / Anchorage Air 22
Miles Glacier, 100 m. long at least. Copper River Ry. At left is its moraine overgrown
with alders [view across river to glacier terminus]
Keywords: glacier
Collection: B2015.008
[three men standing next to fish drying racks on Kotzebue beach; print date Aug 70]
Collection: B1995.010
P-99. Hewitt's (Palmer Buildings from Air) [smokestack in foreground, buildingsin middle ground, mountains beyond]
Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection
60-6; reflections [January 1940, reflection of boats Reliance and Sentinel; Ketchikan]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_2018
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990_014_5_AKNative
Arctic trip 1959 : St. Lawrence Island. (Gus Krutzsch of the San Diego Zoo.) 1959 (154 negs)
Collection: B1983.091 Ward Wells / Stock
Invitation from Governor and Mrs. Tony Knowles to dinner at the Governor’s House on Monday, December 5, 1994 [Dinner invitation to Mayfield Evans from Governor and Mrs. Tony Knowles with menu, Note on invitation: “To Mayfield, Thanks for everything Tony Knowles”]
Keywords: Mayfield Evans, BIPOC, Black Alaskans, Alaskans, African Americans, African American families, Invitation, Governor, Governor Knowles, Tony Knowles, Governor's House, Dinner Invitation
Collection: B2022.001 Mayfield Evans Collection
Lomen Bros. #874 [Overview of Ruby along riverbank, showing buildings, docks, mill, and riverboats]
Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection
Matanuska-Susitna Borough Photo Exhibition. Matanuska Lake near Palmer. Photo by Wayne Burkhart.
Collection: B2006.023 Redington
M-50. Talkeetna River. W. F. Milliken [wood-frame building, log cabin, cache and tent on banks of river, birch bark canoe hauled onto bank in foreground, railroad exploration, circa 1914]
Keywords: transportation, residences, houses, Alaska Railroad
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC / Album 1
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990.014.5.Anc.Air / B90.14.5.ANC.Air.27
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990.014.5.Anc / B90_14_5.ANC.5
Seppalla's Racing Team. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage. [Leonhard Seppala. copy neg]
Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990_014_5_AKNative
(Fur Rendezvous, clowns in snow) [two male clowns on Fourth Avenue in front of City Hall, one sitting on a dogsled, the other being pulled through snow on big shoes, spectators, truck, and trailer lining street, 1952?]
Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection
[men riding in tracked vehicle in winter]
Keywords: military, transportation
Collection: B1995.014
(Knik River Bridge 1955)
Keywords: river, transportation, bridge
Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection
42-1 March 3-10; Plus x 40-24; Dk 20-14 min @65°; Ranch house [wood structure viewed from road or driveway; fence; sign above gate reads "Clover Crest(?); likely in Washington State; 1940]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_2018
1; March 1943; Spool, thread & thimble [still life with fabric]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_2018
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990.014.5.EQ / EQ_27
Lomen Bros. #874 [Overview of Ruby along riverbank, showing buildings, docks, mill, and riverboats]
Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection
Jul 65P; Soldotna, Alaska [aerial view of community, Kenai River, bridge]
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990.014.4 / Medium Format