22 images matching Development


Feb 82 (Developed Date)

Collection: B1997.011 James Stuhler Collection


Feb 82 (Developed Date)

Collection: B1997.011 James Stuhler Collection


Feb 82 (Developed Date)

Collection: B1997.011 James Stuhler Collection


Feb 82 (Developed Date)

Collection: B1997.011 James Stuhler Collection


Feb 82 (Developed Date)

Collection: B1997.011 James Stuhler Collection


Feb 82 (Developed Date)

Collection: B1997.011 James Stuhler Collection


Large pan ice develops in areas of less current of the sea.

Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990.014.4


Pan Ice developing at edge of old shore ice-Chukchi Sea.

Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990.014.4


(Richardson Vista housing, Nov. 6, 1952) [pedestrian on sidewalk, children playing on grass in housing development]
Keywords: residences

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


(Richardson Vista housing, Nov. 6, 1952) [pedestrian on sidewalk, children playing on grass in housing development]
Keywords: residences

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


P-419. Matanuska, Alaska. Hewitt's Photo Shop [aerial of Colony development near Palmer, circa 1936]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


Certificate of Recognition awarded to Mayfield Evans by Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development Alaska Workforce Investment Board [undated]
Keywords: Mayfield Evans, BIPOC, Black Alaskans, Alaskans, African Americans, Honor, Award, Certificate, Certificate of Recognition, Recognition, Alaska, Alaska Department of Labor, Department of Labor, DOL, Workforce Development, Alaska Workforce Investment Board, Dedicated, Service, Alaska Workforce, Workfroce, Leadership, Development, Clark Bishop, Jim Lunch, Jobs, State of Alaska, SOA

Collection: B2022.001 Mayfield Evans Collection


(Richardson Vista housing, Nov. 6, 1952) [view looking east to Chugach Mountains, automobiles parked along sidewalk in housing development]
Keywords: residences

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


(Richardson Vista housing, Nov. 6, 1952) [view looking east to Chugach Mountains, automobiles parked along sidewalk in housing development]
Keywords: residences

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


T218 City View Homes, Anchorage, Alaska [street scene looking southeast at new housing development; automobiles; Chugach Mountains in distance]

Collection: B1998.014 Brickley


Concrete foundation of former Naval coaling sta. development at Sutton on Glenn Highway [concrete stairs and arches on lot, mountains in background. has neg dated 5/27/46]

Collection: B1995.010


Rev. Alexander Panteleev family & servant in Bishop's House parlor, Unalaska ca. 1909-13 Unalaska Aleut Development Corp. & National Park Service

Collection: B2013.050


(Enlarge) Alaska is 1/5 the size of the U.S., but has only 65,000 pop., because its vast resources cannot well be developed until railways are built, and this is too costly for private capital [map of Alaska with passenger ship route, cable and wireless stations, inset of United States. With stamp of Dora Keen]
Keywords: map

Collection: B2015.008


(Enlarge) Alaska is 1/5 the size of the U.S., but has only 65,000 pop., because its vast resources cannot well be developed until railways are built, and this is too costly for private capital [map of Alaska with passenger ship route, cable and wireless stations, inset of United States. With stamp of Dora Keen]
Keywords: map note

Collection: B2015.008


PM1 Matanuska Valley, covering 1,000 square miles, is Alaska's best developed farming country. In the background is a section of the sheltering Chugach Mountain Range (Pioneer Peak, Palmer) [scenic view, agriculture, fields, haystacks, structures, dwellings, barn in distance; possible greenhouse, fences.]

Collection: B1998.014 Brickley


T243 Nunaka Valley, Anchroage, Alaska [man walking up dirt road with housing development in background; automobiles at right; sign at left for Nunaka Mart (first appears in phone directory in 1956 located at 1301 Buckner): Groceries, Mats, Drugs: Nunaka Valley Homes Rental Office; mountains in distance]

Collection: B1998.014 Brickley


(T73 Cordova, Alaska; Cordova Main Street) [street scene, automobile supported by a jack and with open trunk parked in front of liquor store missing tire; businesses, store fronts, Cafe, Alaskan Hotel, Card Room, Cordova Hotel, Lutheran Mission, Liquor Store, Pop's Taxi, Cordova Steam Laundry, Cordova Studio - Developing and Printing; children riding bicycles; people walking on boardwalks; man in doorway of liquor store; woman walking at far right]

Collection: B1998.014 Brickley