3 images matching +Keene +Valley


South view of Keene Valley. D.K. [small format panoramic photograph looking across fields to houses in middle ground, mountains in distance]
Keywords: Keene Valley, mountains

Collection: B2015.008


Harvard Glacier, 1914 Tucker on Harvard Glacier, Alaska 1914[view across glacier to valley glacier climer in foreground negotiating crevasses_enlargment of 693 with stamp of Dora Keen]
Keywords: glaciers, Harvard Glacier, mountains, mountaineer, mountain climbing, College Fjord

Collection: B2015.008


10th day, 10:20 A.M. Descending Keen Ridge (4 men at left) because of snow, changed wind for 3-day storm & provisions nearly gone. Kennicott Glacier in perspective, down which we must return, & below McClellan Glacier, on which we had failed to get up. 18 [bird’s eye view of four climbers on steep rocky slope below snow line, glacier valley in distance] .838a – 10th day, 5:15 P.M. Down off ridge and back on foot of McClellan Glacier. A 12 ft. crevasse & Kennicott Glacier seen through it. 19 [large crevasse in foreground, glacier valley in distance]
Keywords: mountaineering, mountains, glacier

Collection: B2015.008