14 images matching spear


(Spears Passport Photos 1935-36)

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection / Passport Photos


To pasture, hunting every spear [sheep in yard]

Collection: B2015.008


(Spears Clyde Passport Photos 1935-36)

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection / Passport Photos


In a month they will have eaten every spear of grass [sheep in pasture]

Collection: B2015.008


D-71 (Native thermos and spear) [interior still life with thermos or bottle wrapped in fur pouch, spear propped against wall shelf holding clock reading 11:15]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


(189)(4x5 copy neg){native man dressed in traditional clothes holding a two part throwing spear called an ATLATL}
Keywords: hunter, native man, spear, atlatl

Collection: B1980.050 Roy Barron


Diomede. Photographer's number: 01543 [man holding spear in kayak next to ice edge, blood and small pieces of possibly seal meat on ice]

Collection: B2017.024


46. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage, Alaska (Eskimo seal hunter) [man with spear and rifle standing next to seal on ice floe. copy neg]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


21. Hunter returns empty-handed, Diomede. Photographer's number: 01520 [man walking away from camera across ice, carrying spear and hunting bag, 1960s]

Collection: B2017.024


The old snow shoe maker. Although snowshoes are not as important to the Eskimo as his famous spear, he knows there are times when he could not get along without them. Lomen Bros, Nome, 1907 [Alaska Native man strings a snowshoe]
Keywords: footwear, ethnotechnology

Collection: B1970.028 Eide


O38 Purgatory, Alaska - a river boat stop on the Yukon; photo by Tetinek (1946 postcard) [copy neg, sculpture of person with forked spear, wearing mask, horns, feather, robe, sash, above riverbank]

Collection: B1998.014 Brickley


Erle Esmailka throwing salmon in a bucket, Austin Esmailka Jr. spearing fish from boat, Dolly Solomon and Hazel Olson at table. Laurie and Jason Saunders watching at right. Kaltag [women and children working on beach, church in background.]

Collection: B2017.017


C2 Guard of Honor for Carnival Queen's Ice throne [Faribanks, flags, military uniforms, rifle, fur parkas, snow stairs, women wearing sashes, Matanuska Maid, Dawson?, University?, Miss Alaska, Man in Native dress carrying spear, harpoon, hat, snowshoes]

Collection: B1998.014 Brickley


People - Rondy, 1948, 1890-5a; Rendevous [sic: Rendezvous] - skater in wolf skin, March 1948 [night scene of person wearing wolf skin and carrying a spear ice skates on rink; spectators in stands or sitting on wall in background; electric lights strung overhead; sign for Hopkins Menswear and ? foods in background]

Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990.014.5.People / People / People 19