7 images matching Uncle


Uncle Spen’s oxen, hauling corn to silos [man with team of oxen in corn field]

Collection: B2015.008


Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage (Fourth of July float, 1932, 3) [girl dressed as Statue of Liberty and boy dressed as Uncle Sam standing next to automobile parked in front of house]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


(Fourth of July 1934) [man and children in automobile sporting two American flags and a hand-lettered banner, bicycle rider dressed as Uncle Sam behind, followed by two automobiles, Anchorage]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


#9 (Fourth of July Parade, 1941, Anchorage Woman's Club Float. Photo by D.C. Hewitt) [women and Uncle Sam on parade float with banner "Watchful Waiting" passing Richmond's Restaurant on Fourth Avenue in Anchorage]
Keywords: businesses

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


Palisades Park, New Jersey July 8th 1917 I Caroline his niece is sitting beside Uncle Leopald. My father Lonis Walter Schwartz, Anna David and his sister Clara David Schwartz my mother. Caroline Schwartz Horowitz

Collection: B1986.001


(Fourth of July float, 1932) [flat bed truck festooned with banners, one reading "Signing of the Declaration of Independence," man dressed as Uncle Sam and woman dressed as Statue of Liberty on running boards, group in powdered wigs with table on back of truck]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


[parade, possibly Fourth of July, children in procession led by man dressed as Uncle Sam, man playing drum walking with dog, passing Polley Bros., Felix Brown & Co. Clothing, Anchorage Bakery, Loussac Pharmacy, Jaffe & Bayles Leading Clothiers]

Collection: B1983.146 Pyatt Laurence Negatives