5 images matching Rusted


Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage (Cecil Higgins and his plane with furs, Merrill Field) [rust spots on neg]
Keywords: aviation

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


Quinhagak 10-82 [rusting boat in grass next to boardwalk; cemetery crosses in background; steel drums (containers) in foreground]

Collection: B2001.036 Martha Quimby


Point Hope sod igloos and terrain, 1966 [two children with pile of whale bones, one sitting atop a bone; rusting metal in foreground]

Collection: B1991.011 Christine Heller Collection


Chitina [young boy playing in automobile rusting next to road; print date Aug 77] [Chitina Saloon in background] [Ahtna, Tsedi Na']
Keywords: Chitina, Tsedi Na', Chitina Saloon, Saloon, Building, Business, Town, Automobile, Car, Abandoned, Child, Boy, Playing, Kay McFarland Jackson, Kay McFarland, Kathryn McFarland, Kathryn McFarland Jackson

Collection: B2017.029


CG living area, Annette 1952 [on print:] Our jetty [view down beach, rusted Marston matting in foreground, driftwood in middle ground, buildings in background]
Keywords: Annette Island

Collection: B2016.024