15 images matching Funeral


Funeral of First Shooting (one of the Wood Undertaking Companys Russian funerals Anchorage, Alaska)(Anchorage 1916)
Keywords: funeral, parade, band, Anchorage

Collection: B1963.016 Marie Silverman


Funeral of First Shooting (one of the Wood Undertaking Companys Russian funerals Anchorage, Alaska)(Anchorage 1916)
Keywords: funeral, parade, band, Anchorage

Collection: B1963.016 Marie Silverman


[Anchorage. Procession, with automobile. Parade or funeral?] 3.5 x 5.5 nitrate negative.

Collection: B2009.057 Pyatt


40. Indian burial ceremony. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage. Bragaw. [Dena'ina funeral customs]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


The funeral of a young boy who went out trapping and presumably died of hypothermia. The priest's name was [Vasily] Changsak. [Russian Mission, procession]
Keywords: funerary customs, religion

Collection: B1995.014


The funeral of a young boy who went out trapping and presumably died of hypothermia. The priest's name was [Vasily] Changsak. [Russian Mission, procession]
Keywords: funerary customs, religion

Collection: B1995.014


The funeral of a young boy who went out trapping and presumably died of hypothermia. The priest's name was [Vasily] Changsak. [Russian Mission, procession]
Keywords: funerary customs, religion

Collection: B1995.014


The funeral of a young boy who went out trapping and presumably died of hypothermia. The priest's name was [Vasily] Changsak. [Russian Mission, start of procession]
Keywords: religion, funerary customs

Collection: B1995.014


The funeral of a young boy who went out trapping and presumably died of hypothermia. The priest's name was [Vasily] Changsak. [Russian Mission, start of procession]
Keywords: funerary customs, religion

Collection: B1995.014


The funeral of a young boy who went out trapping and presumably died of hypothermia. The priest's name was [Vasily] Changsak. [Russian Mission, men carrying coffin]
Keywords: funerary customs, religion

Collection: B1995.014


The funeral of a young boy who went out trapping and presumably died of hypothermia. The priest's name was [Vasily] Changsak. [Russian Mission, men carrying coffin]
Keywords: religion, funerary customs

Collection: B1995.014


The funeral of a young boy who went out trapping and presumably died of hypothermia. The priest's name was [Vasily] Changsak. [Russian Mission, men carrying coffin]
Keywords: funerary customs, religion

Collection: B1995.014

Collection: B2022.001 Mayfield Evans Collection Tags: Megapixels: 9.1 Scan Resolution: 600 px/in Dimensions: 3652 x 2487 pixels File Size: 26 MB Color Space: RGB ">


Anthony “Bunch” Evans, Anthony’s daughter, Jacqueline Evans, Melphine Evans, Coco Evans at funeral for Mayfield Evans’ youngest brother, Columbus, 2011
Keywords: Mayfield Evans, BIPOC, Black Alaskans, African Americans, African American families, Family, Anthony Evans, Anthony "Bunch" Evans, Daughter, Jacqueline Evans, Jacque Evans, Coco Evans, Funeral, Gathering

Collection: B2022.001 Mayfield Evans Collection


The Sydney Laurence Co The Passing of George Pekos (sp?) Anchorage, Alaska June 24th 1916 Greek Funeral, Anchorage, Alaska "X" - The Undertaker, F.B. Wood.

Collection: B1965.003


Funeral of a young boy who went out trapping and presumably died of hypothermia. The priest's name was Vassily Changsak. Russian Mission [men in procession with coffin near church]
Keywords: religion, funerary customs

Collection: B1995.014