10 images matching Floral


[Newborn laying on floral couch]
Keywords: Newborn, Baby, Infant, Laying, Lay, Couch, Floral, Room, Interior, House, Home

Collection: B2022.005 Amidon


[unidentified woman throwing floral wreath into water from Solitude, memorial service? no date]

Collection: B2015.026


Our dining-room. 200 year old pine corner cupboard [house interior, with chandelier and floral arrangement on table]

Collection: B2015.008


M-18. The Matanuska Valley Fair, 1937 [floral display, with wall sign reading Children Must Be Quiet and Remain Seated]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


[portrait of woman holding bouquet of flowers, standing next to large mirror and table with floral arrangement. Photographer visible in mirror]
Keywords: photography

Collection: B2013.058


D-61. Proud Eskimo mother. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage [woman in floral print parka with fur trim and baby belt, with infant]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


M-17. The Matanuska Valley Fair. Hewitt's Photo Shop (1937) [floral display, with wall signs reading No Smoking Allowed and Children Must Be Quiet and Remain Seated]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


[from verso] Native girl's own idea of posing [woman wearing floral dress and apron stands with hand on hip; watering can and possibly a rain barrel at left; fence, structure in background; 1923 scrapbook or album; copy print]

Collection: B1971.014 CIHS Grube Collection


(Fourth of July float, 1932) [woman driving automobile festooned with floral decorations and banner "Emard Salmon Especial," two dark-skinned cannery workers in rubber boots, one wearing rain gear, standing next to automobile, building with sign for Hotel in background]
Keywords: businesses, fishing, canneries

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


E46 Diomede Island kitchen, Frank Morgan photo, [woman wearing floral dress working, plates, cooking pans, wood shelves, tea kettle, Hills Brothers can, Carnation can, mixing bowls, bucket, picture of sailing ship on wall, copy neg is deteriorating]

Collection: B1998.014 Brickley