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The Anchorage Museum library includes books, maps, and print resources focused on Alaska and the Circumpolar North. The public is welcome to access the collection and conduct research on-site during open hours, or by appointment.
The Anchorage Museum archives include historic photographs and print materials covering a broad range of topics related to Alaska and the Circumpolar North. Some materials are available online, while others are available for detailed research on site at the Bob and Evangeline Atwood Alaska Resource Center.
AK Experience Theatre [Anchorage - Signs and Neon], 1983
Keywords: Randy Brandon, Third Eye Photography, Alaska Experience Theatre, Anchorage, Signs and Neon
Collection: B2016.019
Rescue squad experimenting [three men rappelling down mountainside]
Keywords: hiking, military, transportation
Collection: B1995.014
Rescue squad experimenting [three men rappelling down mountainside]
Keywords: military, transportation, hiking
Collection: B1995.014
106. U.S. Experiment Farm, Matanuska, Alaska. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage [barns, silos, field]
Keywords: agriculture
Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection
"Spring a little backward, May 1, 1918" [sleeve 5; Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, barn yard, snow in foreground; barn, horses, strawstack, possibly farm house, fence, flag, sign at gate reading "U.S. Agricultural experiment station"]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"7/11/1919, alfalfa & wheat" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 36; agricultural fields, trees in distance]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"7/16/1919, windmill raising with tractor" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 38; agriculture, structures, ropes, clothesline in background]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"Exp. Sta. Romanow Spr [spring] wheat 1918 [sleeve 21, Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, man wearing suitcoat, necktietie, straw hat, standing in field of wheat, barn, sign reading “U.S. Agricultural experiment station” at gate, man in distance to right of barn, fence]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"711/1919, Oats on new clearing, wheat in background" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 35; agriculture, field, fence, trees in distance]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"Snow still with us May 1st 1918" [sleeve 4, Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sign reading "U.S. Agricultural experiment station" snow-covered field in foreground; structures; barbed-wire fence, possible dog yard in center mid-ground; birch trees, spruce in background; flag on pole at right of center]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
[Sleeve 9; Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, circa 1918; garden, vegetable, possibly cabbages, agriculture, structure, fences birch trees in background]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"7/11/1919 potato field B" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 34; looking down rows of potato plants; trees in distance, agriculture]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
S72 Alaskan soldiers getting mt. climbing experience. [one man rappels as two others look on from above; cliff, rope, mountains; copy neg]
Collection: B1998.014 Brickley
"Stacking hay on 'Swedes' 9/5/1918" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 16; men, farmers stacking hay in field, rutabagas, agriculture, trees in distance]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
[Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 100 (no description); three children, girls, rompers, ribbons, pose with cauliflower, flowers, garden, clothesline, structure, agricultural buildings]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"8/2/1919, Geo Koldee oats & wheat" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 47; two men standing in field, agriculture, structures in background and distance.]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"Snow still lingers, May 11, 1918" [sleeve 6; Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, snow-covered farm field in foreground, agricultural structures, barn in background, fence]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
[Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 26; horses, draft horses, corral, snow, agricultural buildings, possible watertower in distance; image appears to have been taken through a screen]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"8/5/1919 Canadian Oats & visitors, N.C. bunch" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 48; four men standing in field, suits, neckties, hats, agriculture]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"8/22/1919 (3) Flowers & Cauliflower" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 97, three children, girls in garden; greenhouse, agriculture, structures, log cabin in background]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"Curing oat hay on 'Swedes'" [sleeve 15, Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, circa 1918, agriculture, wood posts, fields, storage, hay stacks, root vegetable, hedgerow]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"5/7/1919 seeding looking south [image does not match caption]" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 33; possible potato field in left foreground, grain field, trees in distance]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"This hillside was ready to seed 1 year ago" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, May 11, 2018; sleeve 8; snow-covered farm field, soil, agriculture, birch trees in the distance]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"7/26/1919 Rev Lumpkin, Canadian oats, auto & visitors" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 44, children, boys in oat field, hats, overalls, trees in background, agriculture]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"8/2/1919, Geo Koldee oats & wheat" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 47-1/2; two men standing in field, agriculture, structures in background and distance; similar to .4912]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"8/8/1919 Koldee's wheat & oats on Flats" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 52; two men standing near edge of grain field, trees, leafless in background, agriculture]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"Barn field 5/1/1918 showing depth of snow" [sleeve 3; Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, agricultural building in background; snow fence, snow depth marker; horse in front of log structure]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"5/11, where seeding began 1 year ago today" [sleeve 7; Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, 1918; snow-covered farm field, soil, agricultural structures, barn, birch trees]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"7/17/1919, goats are ready for feed" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 41; man standing on platform feeding goats from square Red Crown Gasoline can, fence, fields, strawstack in distance; agriculture]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"8/8/1919 H.A. Berny Barley on Flats" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 50; two men standing in grain field, utility poles and wire in background; structures in left background, agriculture]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"8/22/1919, Flowers & Cauliflower" Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 97 [(abeled as sleeve 97-1/2), three children, girls in garden, agriculture, clothesline, log cabin, trees in background]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
[sleeve 27; Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, two men standing in grain field; one wearing overalls with had raised; one in suit and necktie; straw shock made into animal shape in field, agriculture]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"5/7/1919 seeding going north, Canadian oats, tractor, drill, pulverizer" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 30, man driving tractor, planter, disc, field, dust, agriculture, trees in background.]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"Harvesting wheat with tractor, going north, hillside" [likely Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 98; actually does not look like harvesting; likely planting, man driving tractor, pulling equipment, agriculture, farmer; simlar to .4899]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"8/22/1919; Harvesting wheat with tractor going south" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 99; two farmers, agriculture, reaper, field, possibly potatoes in foregound; rooftop of structure in left midground, trees]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"8/22/1919; Harvesting wheat with tractor going north" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 99 (labeled 99-1/2); agriculture, farmer driving tractor, cutting grain, reaper, windmill, trees in distance]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"Exp sta threshing scene, 1918" [sleeve 25; Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466; three men working, strawstack, threasher, barn, wagon, tractor, horses, shovel, Engine distallate can on ground, funnel, agriculture]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"7/16/1919 windmill raising - ready for work; station cottage, office & grain shed" [sleeve 40, Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, field and garden in forground, birch trees in background, agriculture, structures, flagpole]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"7/17/1919, B. goat 'let me see'" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 42; billy goat on hind legs looks up toward man on platform, crate; agricultureal structures in background, straw stack, trees]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"8/6/1919 Canadian oats & visitors; Chatnika bunch" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 49; four people standing in oat field; two men; two women; hats; agriculture, trees in backgroud]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
[sleeve 10; Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, circa 1918, three men standing in grain field, likely farmer in center; men in dark suits and neckties to left and right of farmer; hats; chest-high grain, agriculture]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"The garden Sept 1, 1918" [possibly the description for .4678; sleeve 13; Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, threshing, agricultural equipment, machine, tractor, steel wheels, belt-drive, straw stack, grain sacks at left]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"Tractor plowing 1918, summer fallow" [sleeve 18, Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, man driving tractor, pulling plow; two children walk behind plow; hats, heatnets, mosquito nets, field, agriculture]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"7/16/1919 Windmill raising" [sleeve 37; Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, circa 1918; water well pump, windmill on ground before installation, sawhorse, chickenwire, fields, man at left of image, equipment, agriculture, fields, structures]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"Strawstack, back field 5/1/1918" [sleeve 2; Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, two horses; one man standing on sledge holding reins; one man standing in knee-deep snow, two dogs on sledge; straw in background]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
[Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 31; two men and tops of heads of two children in grain field, likely oats; trees in background; agriculture, 1919; album lists image as "5/7/1919 seeding going south," however image does not match description]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"north hillside May 1, 1918. Plenty moisture here" [sleeve 1; Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, two horses hitched to sledge; harness, yoke, two men standing in knee-deep snow; two dogs on wagon; fields in distance]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"7/26/1919, Rev Lumpkin, Canadian oats, auto & visitors" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 45; Reverend Hope Henry Lumpkin, Episcopal, minister, four boys near automobile, Ford, Model T, touring car, agriculture]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC
"7/26/1919, Rev Lumpkin, Canadian oats, auto & visitors" [Fairbanks Experiment Farm, milepost 466, sleeve 46; Reverend Hope Henry Lumpkin, Episcopal minister, four boys, children, automobile, Ford, Model T, touring car, agriculture]
Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC