7 images matching Exceptional


"Christmas cards" [copy neg; same as .2019 except with different winter scene photograph]

Collection: B1998.014 Brickley


All (except horse barn, at right) destroyed by fire, May 2, 1931. Mar. 12, 1917 [barns and silos in winter]

Collection: B2015.008


Cabin Drifted Over Nome Alaska, Lomen Bros, Nome (Drifted in at Nome)[Cabin completely buried by snow except for the smoke stack]
Keywords: snow, cabin

Collection: B1964.001 John Urban


F16 Alaskan tuna fish in cold storage, phto by Frank Morgan "halibut in cold storage, 1949 postcard" [same as .685 except for caption, copy neg]

Collection: B1998.014 Brickley


Utilities out except water and sewer after quake 28 March 1964 at Campbell Lake. Phyllis McCutcheon cooking on a gas stove, Photographer Geo Herben standing behind.

Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990_014_5 / B1990.014.5.EQ / EQ_14


20.10. Riding for 7 hours through the Black Mt. Forest Reserve without a trail to the top of Black Mt., Wyoming, 36 hours in saddle except for 4 rests for horses to graze & for us to climb 1 hr. [Dora on horseback in wooded area, second horse at right. Proof print]
Keywords: horse

Collection: B2015.008


Lomen Bros. Nome. [from verso:] A close view of an Eskimo woman fishing for spider crab. Her boots. The wrinkles are bit (sic) with her teeth. They are made by herself. In fact, everything she wears is made by her except the buckle in her belt. By a close study of her fishline you will see how they knit them. Mrs. Mattfeldts giving this [woman with baby in her parka hood is holding a crab which she has caught from a fishing hole in the ice]

Collection: B1970.028 Eide