6 images matching +sea +kayak


[native man working on a kayak inside a house, ribs struts and coaming complete]
Keywords: sea kayak

Collection: B2007.005 Martin Family


Alaskan photography by Everett J. Wilde, Tetlin [Alaska Native hunter wearing white parka pulling black kayak on sled across sea ice]

Collection: B2018.021


PE5 An Eskimo home inside of the Arctic Circle (Kotzebue, Feb 1948) [kayaks, dog sled, fish nets stored on supports; dogs curled on ground; structures, stove pipe, snow, likely sea ice in background, winter]

Collection: B1998.014 Brickley


[stereo view of two men sitting in kayaks atop snow, possibly supported by a sled; oars; woven grass mats used for windbreak; snowshoe; Hiils Bros. can; tea pot; man on left appears to be operating a fuel stove (?); sea ice in distance]

Collection: B2007.005 Martin Family


{Nunvak Island trip: Native people. (Mekoryuk Village)} [view of village, structures, homes, fish drying racks, laundry, clotheslines, tarpaper roofs, quonsets, driftwood fences, enclosures, canvas wall tents, storage tanks, beach grass, kayaks, boats, Bering Sea, iand in distance, person walking at left of center; boy sitting on steel drum (container) at left, windmill church or school at center background will bell on roof]

Collection: B1983.091 Ward Wells / Stock


3_9 92625_Fort Wells, Alaska Off in bidarkas for 20m paddle
Keywords: sea kayak, kayak, prince william sound, port wells

Collection: B2015.008