7 images matching +Wooden +crate


[soldier cleaning fish on top of wooden crate at camp site]
Keywords: military, camping, fishing

Collection: B1995.014


[soldier cleaning fish on top of wooden crate at camp site]
Keywords: military, camping, fishing

Collection: B1995.014


[man sitting on wooden crate, ice fishing, pile of tom cod on ice; print date Sep 71]

Collection: B1995.010


(Palmer, Valley Farmer) [man standing in cultivated field holding wooden crate, termination dust on Pioneer Peek in distance, Matanuska Colony]
Keywords: agriculture

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


[man with mustache wearing vest, jacket and brimmed hat standing next to plate of potatoes set on wooden crate, log cabins in background, Knik?]
Keywords: clothing, residences, agriculture

Collection: B2014.013


George, Carl Scherer & Dick Freeman. Ready to work on the bees [three people wearing beekeeper veils standing next to tree, crates on wooden frame at right]

Collection: B2015.008


[man with mustache wearing vest, jacket, beaded moccasins, and brimmed hat standing next to plate of potatoes set on wooden crate, log cabins in background, Knik? Cf. .14]
Keywords: clothing, agriculture, residences

Collection: B2014.013