93 images matching +Western +clothing


[group of school children posed outdoors in winter, most wearing Western-style clothing, some with skin mittens, Russian Mission?]
Keywords: clothing

Collection: B1995.014


[three young Alaska Native men posed outdoors, all wearing Western style clothing including driving caps and neckties]
Keywords: clothing

Collection: B2015.007


[Alaska Native man and woman wearing Western style clothing standing in doorway of log cabin]
Keywords: clothing, residences, houses

Collection: B1995.014


[three young girls wearing Western style clothing posed outdoors in summer, building in background]
Keywords: clothing, footwear

Collection: B2015.007


[Alaska Native man wearing Western style clothing and driving cap posed outdoors next to building. Original image cropped]
Keywords: clothing

Collection: B2015.007


[Alaska Native woman wearing Western style clothing and shoes standing outside storm-damaged or dilapidated building]
Keywords: residences, clothing

Collection: B2015.007


[large group of men, women, and children on steps of church building, some wearing traditional clothing and some wearing Western style clothing]
Keywords: religion

Collection: B2015.007


[two Alaska Native men and woman seated outside wooden building, men wearing Western style clothing, woman wearing fur parka with geometric trim]
Keywords: clothing

Collection: B2015.007


[Alaska Native family next to wood-plank building, all wearing Western style clothing]

Collection: B2015.007


[two Alaska Native women wearing Western style clothing posed on ship deck]
Keywords: transportation

Collection: B2015.007


Willow and people [Alaska Native woman and child in Western style clothing poased outdoors in summer, walled tents in background, fish camp?]
Keywords: residences, clothing

Collection: B1995.014


[Alaska Native woman and young girl, both wearing Western-style clothing, standing outdoors near small tent, dog at right]
Keywords: clothing, residences, animals, fishing

Collection: B1995.014


[large group of men, women, and children on steps of church building, some wearing traditional clothing and some wearing Western style clothing. Cf. .76]
Keywords: religion

Collection: B2015.007


[large group of Alaska Native men and women posed next to white tent in sparsely wooded area, men all wearing Western style clothing, all but one woman wearing light colored cloth parkas]
Keywords: clothing, camps

Collection: B2015.007


[two Alaska Native women posed with young girl outdoors next to log building, woman at left wearing pearl necklace, all three wearing Western style clothing. Original print damaged]
Keywords: clothing

Collection: B2015.007


[two young women seated outdoors, both wearing Western style clothing, buildings in background]

Collection: B2015.007


[two young Alaska Native men wearing Western style clothing posed outdoors in summer]

Collection: B2015.007


[young girls wearing Western style clothing seated outdoors; print date Jun 90]

Collection: B2017.029


[a white man in military uniform and an Indigenous woman in western clothes standing with a crowd of people behind them]
Keywords: Indigenous, BIPOC, military, Alaska

Collection: B2022.005 Amidon


[an Indigenous woman in western clothes standing on planks in front of an open door to an arctic entry of a house]
Keywords: Indigenous, BIPOC, Alaska

Collection: B2022.005 Amidon


[young Alaska Native man and woman wearing Western style clothing posed next to wooden house, metal barrels and laundry on clothesline in background]
Keywords: clothing, residences

Collection: B2015.007


[group portrait of Alaska Native family posed next to wood-plank building, man wearing Western style clothing and driving cap, women and young boys wearing traditional clothing, young woman holding infant]
Keywords: clothing, residences

Collection: B2015.007


Mountain Village 1935 [four young children standing on boardwalk in winter, two wearing skin parkas with fur ruffs and mittens, one wearing kuspuk, one wearing Western style clothes, all wearing mukluks]
Keywords: clothing

Collection: B1995.014


[young Alaska Native girl wearing Western style clothing, Kotzebue; print date Jul 70]

Collection: B1995.010


[young Alaska Native man wearing Western style clothing and mukluks posed next to wooden building]

Collection: B2015.007


[one Indigenous man in western clothes with three Indigenous children wearing fabric kuspuk and fur parkas]
Keywords: Indigenous, BIPOC, kuspuk, parka, Alaska

Collection: B2022.005 Amidon


[large group of Alaska Native women on boardwalk next to large wooden building, some wearing traditional clothing and some wearing Western style clothing, water in distance]

Collection: B2015.007


[three Alaska Native men wearing Western style clothing and neckties seated on porch of large wooden building, young boy in background, possibly mission or school]
Keywords: clothing, education

Collection: B2015.007


[studio portrait of Alaska Native family, men wearing Western style clothing and knitted caps, elser woman wearing fur parka and headscarf, young woman wearing print parka and headscarf, child wearing Western style clothing]

Collection: B2015.007


[young Alaska Native woman and young boy posed outdoors, woman wearing cloth parka with fur ruff and mittens, boy wearing Western style clothing]

Collection: B2015.007


[group portrait of Alaska Native men, women, and children, most wearing Western-style clothing, two women and one child wearing fur parkas, barabaras and cache in background]
Keywords: clothing, residences

Collection: B2014.012


[young Alaska Native man and woman wearing Western style clothing posed next to log cabin, woman wearing coat with fur trim, hair cut short with bangs, man wearing driving cap and sport coat, cache in background]
Keywords: clothing

Collection: B2015.007


[men and women wearing Western style clothing posed on tundra, two young women carrying camera cases]
Keywords: photography

Collection: B2015.007


[two Alaska Native men seated on tundra, both wearing Western style clothing, neckties and driving caps]

Collection: B2015.007


[Alaska Native man wearing Western style clothing and driving cap posed next to wood-plank building]

Collection: B2015.007


[studio portrait of two Alaska Native women, both wearing Western style clothing and hats, possibly uniforms]

Collection: B2015.007


[two young Alaska Native women wearing Western style clothing posed next to wooden building in winter]

Collection: B2015.007


[young Alaska Native woman posed outdoors in winter, wearing Western style coat and boots, buildings in background]
Keywords: clothing

Collection: B2015.007


[two Alaska Native men wearing Western style clothing standing near fish drying rack, Russian Mission]
Keywords: fishing, ethnotechnology

Collection: B1995.014


[Alaska Native family next to wood-plank building, wearing traditional and Western style clothing. Original print damaged]
Keywords: residences

Collection: B2015.007


[two Alaska Native men seated on tundra, both wearing Western style clothing, one wearing knitted cap]

Collection: B2015.007


[Alaska Native man and woman posed outdoors next to corrugated metal building, both wearing Western style clothing]

Collection: B2015.007


[etched into emulsion:] Greist [Indigenous Alaskan couple with infant posed outside building; man wearing western-style clothing]
Keywords: Indigenous, BIPOC, Alaska, Alaskan, Man, Woman, Child, Infant, Baby, Couple, Parent, Mother, Father, Family, Wall, Building, Shiplap, Western clothing, Clothing, Mukluks, Greist, House, Home

Collection: B2022.005 Amidon


[three Alaska Native men and one elder woman posed outdoors, woman wearing print parka with fur trim, two men wearing Western style clothing, one wearing knit cap and one driving cap, one man wearing fur parka and driving cap]
Keywords: clothing

Collection: B2015.007


[young Alaska Native man and woman wearing Western style clothing posed next to wooden house, woman wearing coat with fur trim and knitted cap, man wearing driving cap]
Keywords: clothing, residences

Collection: B2015.007


"Everybody works but Father, he sits 'round all day, etc." Lomen Bros. Nome #33 [Native family, woman and two children with washtub outside of white tent, clothing hanging on line in background. Woman wearing printed parka, young girl with braided hair and Western-style dress. copy neg]
Keywords: clothing

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


Willow and people [Alaska Native child in Western style clothing posed outdoors in summer, fish camp? Same child as in B95.14.2.6]

Collection: B1995.014


[portrait of Alaska Native boy and girl wearing Western-style clothing standing outdoors, buildings in background, Russian Mission? 1930s?

Collection: B1995.014


[group portrait of Alaska Native women and children posed next to log building, one woman wearing Western style clothing]

Collection: B2015.007


[Alaska Native woman and two children posed seated on boardwalk outside wood-plank building, all wearing Western style clothing]
Keywords: families, residences

Collection: B2015.007