2 images matching +Branch +Road


[people standing next to automobile on gravel Chickaloon Branch Road at old Chickaloon River bridge, woman at left taking photograph with camera, Castle Mountain in background; print date Aug 77] [Ahtna, Nay’dini’aa Na’ Kayax]
Keywords: Nay’dini’aa Na’ Kayax, Chickaloon, River, Bridge, Road, Branch Road, Castle Mountain, Mountain, Car, Woman, Kay McFarland Jackson, Kay McFarland, Kathryn McFarland, Kathryn McFarland Jackson

Collection: B2017.029


G802 - A.E.C., P.S. Hunt; Pamer [sic: Palmer] Station, Mat. Br. A.E.C.R.W. Alaska [Matanuska Branch; Alaska Engineering Commission Railway; view looking down two railroad tracks with structures on either side; utility poles and lines, fence, and road at left; cabins with sod roof, possibly tin roof; mountains in background; 1917]

Collection: B1979.002 AK Railroad and AEC / AEC