6 images from collection B2017_033


Collection: B2017.033


Historical marker at Matanuska River on ARR, 10-8-78 [interpretive marker about Jack Dalton and Chickaloon coal deposits; print date Oct 77] [Ahtna, Nay’dini’aa Na’ Kayax]
Keywords: Matanuska River, River, Chickaloon, Nay’dini’aa Na’ Kayax, Coal, Deposits, Historical, Marker, Sign, Jack Dalton, Dudley Westler

Collection: B2017.033


Whittier train at Campbell, engine 3007, 10-76 [locomotive 3007 with one passenger car and caboose proceeding past sign for Campbell; print date Nov 76]

Collection: B2017.033


Whittier train x-ing Arctic Blvd at Campbell, 10-76 [locomotive, passenger car, and caboose in bicentennial paint at road crossing; print date Nov 76]

Collection: B2017.033


Unloading Ice Worm at Palmer, 10-8-77 [crane lifting railbus off flatcar; print date Oct 77]

Collection: B2017.033


Collection: B2017.033