4 images from collection B2016_022


S.P.G.’s Sunday’s excursion on Bering Sea, Apr. 8th, 1906, 1:30 P.M. Photo by F.H. Nowell, 4702 [men and women posed on ice, four dogs resting with sled, Nome]

Collection: B2016.022


Miners who left for Kobuk River on Str. John Reily [sic], Sept. 29th, ’03. Nowell, 174 [group portrait of men posed outside of Keewalik Hotel, Alaska Native men at left, several dogs in foreground]

Collection: B2016.022


Collection: B2016.022


A492. Waiting for the news from the first boat Corwin, June 13, 1903. Goetze [bird’s eye view of crowd gathered on beach, large ships dry docked at right including N.C.L. Co. #1, small boats along shoreline at left, barge in water in distance. No equivalent in B2001.041]
Keywords: mining, transportation

Collection: B2016.022