13 images matching Wellenstein


[Wellenstein on skis on ridge above lake]

Collection: B2017.023


[Wellenstein sitting on log on lakeshore in winter, mountains in background]

Collection: B2017.023


[Wellenstein sitting on boat docked in small boat harbor, buildings in background]

Collection: B2017.023


[Wellenstein on skis in front of log cabin in winter; print date May 12, 1943. Color]

Collection: B2017.023


[Three men posing on sidewalk, snow, trees, sailor, on left Wallace Wellenstein on right in uniform.]

Collection: B2017.023


After a hard climb [Wellenstein wearing clod weather gear and skis, frost on scarf around face]

Collection: B2017.023


Joan, ?, Wally, Piper PA 20, Chickaloon flats, ’54 [Wellenstein and Joan Wellenstein Fuglestad sitting on ground next to airplane N7080K, unidentified man bending over] [Ahtna, Nay’dini’aa Na’ Kayax]
Keywords: Nay’dini’aa Na’ Kayax, Chickaloon, Flats, Joan Wellenstein, Wally Wellenstein, Wallace Wellenstein, Wallace J. Wellenstein, Wally J. Wellenstein, Wellenstein Cliff Fuglestad, Plane, Piper PA-20, Piper PA 20, N7080K, Bush, Flying

Collection: B2018.021


Joan, ?, ?, Wally, Piper PA 20, Chickaloon flats, ’54 [Wellenstein and Joan Wellenstein Fuglestad sitting on ground next to airplane N7080K, unidentified men standing between them] [Ahtna, Nay’dini’aa Na’ Kayax]
Keywords: Nay’dini’aa Na’ Kayax, Chickaloon, Flats, Joan Wellenstein, Wally Wellenstein, Wallace Wellenstein, Wallace J. Wellenstein, Wally J. Wellenstein, Wellenstein, Cliff Fuglestad, Plane, Piper PA-20, Piper PA 20, N7080K, Bush, Flying

Collection: B2018.021


?, Cliff, Joan, Wally, Piper PA 20, Chickaloon flats, ’54 [Wellenstein, Joan Wellenstein Fuglestad, and Cliff Fuglestad with unidentified man, all posing next to airplane N7080K, duck carcasses on wing] [Ahtna, Nay’dini’aa Na’ Kayax]
Keywords: Nay’dini’aa Na’ Kayax, Chickaloon, Flats, Joan Wellenstein, Wally Wellenstein, Wallace Wellenstein, Wallace J. Wellenstein, Wally J. Wellenstein, Wellenstein, Cliff Fuglestad, Plane, Piper PA-20, Piper PA 20, N7080K, Bush, Flying, Duck, Hunt, Hunter, Hunting

Collection: B2018.021


[Six people posing on steps, sidewalk,snow, sailor, W. Wellenstein standing behind sailor, girl, man, two women.]

Collection: B2017.023


[Seven people pose at dining room table, sailor at left, four women, one girl, Wellenstein standing in uniform at back]

Collection: B2017.023


Wally w/ kids, Kivalina, 4-3-53 [Wellenstein posed with four young boys wearing fur-trimmed parkas, buildings in background]

Collection: B2018.021


"Malamutes" Hq. Det. APO 981 1943, No., Name, State: 4 Dick Mohn, Wash., 2 Harry Calkins (Windom) MInn., 7 Dennis Johnson (Mps.) Minn, 9 Harold Lundeburg (Crookston) Minn., 5 Neil Osborne Wash, 6 Ed Dosek (Lincoln) Nebr., 7 Paul Kilty (Frt Wayne) Ind., 1st. Lt. Higley - CO Hq Det. -Wash. [3 Wally Wellenstein, men in exercise clothing, player numbers, commanding officer in back center of photo.]

Collection: B2017.023