62 images matching +Young +women


portrait of 4 young men and 6 women
Keywords: portrait

Collection: B1991.021


Young Women Playing Soft Ball: Anchorage, Alaska. 35221

Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990.014.4


Older girls [young women wearing uniforms posed outdoors]

Collection: B2019.003


[two Caucasian women standing in field with young girl and baby in stroller]

Collection: B2014.012


[two Caucasian women standing in field with young girl and baby in stroller]

Collection: B2014.012


[men and women wearing Western style clothing posed on tundra, two young women carrying camera cases]
Keywords: photography

Collection: B2015.007


[Vi Redington, Cora Hoffman, and two young women at the Notary Public. Cf. 4565a]

Collection: B2006.023 Redington / for Joe Jr to review / 4000-5000


[Vi Redington, Cora Hoffman, and two young women at the Notary Public. Cf. 4565a]

Collection: B2006.023 Redington


[four young Alaska Native men and women sitting drinking coffee. Print cropped]
Keywords: eating

Collection: B2015.007


[young girl with balloon on boardwalk, women and children playing near volleyball net in background, Kaltag]

Collection: B1995.010


[two young women seated outdoors, both wearing Western style clothing, buildings in background]

Collection: B2015.007


[three young women wearing uniforms seated on stoop of brick building, possibly boarding school]
Keywords: clothing, education

Collection: B2015.007


King Islander Eskimos [man, three women, and young boy standing next to tent, cache at left]

Collection: B2016.027


People at Savoonga, 7/52 [two Alaska Native women and young girl on house steps. Original image blurry]

Collection: B1991.046


[two young Alaska Native women wearing Western style clothing posed next to wooden building in winter]

Collection: B2015.007


[young boy dancing indoors, women and male drummers seated behind, Barrow; print date Aug 79]
Keywords: dance

Collection: B2016.006


[young women wearing kuspuks and blue jeans dancing indoors; print date Jun 90. Cf. .1909]

Collection: B2017.029


[Two Indigenous Alaskan young women in dresses outside; girl on right has short hair; cars parked in background]
Keywords: Indigenous, BIPOC, Alaska, Alaskan, Young women, Girls, Teens, Teenagers, Dresses, Clothing, Hairstyle, Outside, Cars, Transportation, Parked

Collection: B2022.005 Amidon


[group portrait of men and women posed with burial casket next to church building in summer, several women holding wild flowers, young boy standing on church steps at right]
Keywords: religion, funerary customs

Collection: B2015.007


"2 Eek belles" [summer scene; two young women wearing kuspuks pose in front of village structures, homes]

Collection: B1991.011 Christine Heller Collection

Collection: B2022.005 Amidon Tags: Megapixels: 5.9 Scan Resolution: 600 px/in Dimensions: 2433 x 2413 pixels File Size: 5.6 MB Color Space: ">


[Two Indigenous Alaskan young women in skirts standing on boardwalk; houses in background. Possibly Elva "Willie" Amidon on left.]
Keywords: Indigenous, BIPOC, Alaska, Alaskan, Young women, Teenagers, Teens, Skirts, Saddle shoes, Scarf, Fashion, Clothing, Lipstick, Makeup, Boardwalk, Fence, Building, Houses, Elva Amidon, Elva "Willie" Amidon, Willie Amidon

Collection: B2022.005 Amidon


[three young women posed next to wooden building in summer, all wearing Western style dresses, woman in center Alaska Native]

Collection: B2015.007


(Native handicraft) [young girl on wooden bench in large room sewing parka, other women sitting along the wall. Nulato orphanage, 1937]
Keywords: clothing

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


[women from .753 in small boat with young boy, setting out fish net, low hills in background; print date Oct 80]

Collection: B2014.001


[two young Alaska Native women wearing sailor shirts and lace-up boots seated on fence or dock, possibly river in background]

Collection: B2015.007


“Anvik, Christ Church Mission" Sitting on the wood pile [young women and children sitting on top of log pile, church steeple in background]

Collection: B2019.003


Cutting fish [several young women, some wearing headscarves and aprons, standing around tables on beach at fish camp, drying rack in background]

Collection: B2019.003


Fish camp [several young women wearing headscarves and aprons standing around tables on beach at fish camp, drying rack in background]

Collection: B2019.003


[Indigenous Alaskan women seated on boardwalk outside house while processing animal hide (likely reindeer) and making mukluks; two young children nearby]
Keywords: Indigenous, BIPOC, Alaska, Alaskan, Women, Processing, Animal hide, Hide, Skin, Fur, Reindeer, Making, Mukluks, Children, Toddler, Building, Structure, House

Collection: B2022.005 Amidon


[two women and young girl outdoors in winter in sparsely wooded area, one woman wearing fur parka with geometric decoration, woman with back to camera and young girl wearing print parkas with fur trim]
Keywords: clothing

Collection: B2015.007


[group portrait of Alaska Native family posed next to wood-plank building, man wearing Western style clothing and driving cap, women and young boys wearing traditional clothing, young woman holding infant]
Keywords: clothing, residences

Collection: B2015.007


[two young Alaska Native women seated outdoors, both wearing Western style clothing and berets, river in background, pile of driftwood at left]

Collection: B2015.007


[Group of Indigenous Alaskan young women and children posed outside, one child propping up rifle in center; tent and clothing in background, likely camp]
Keywords: Indigenous, BIPOC, Alaska, Alaskan, Young women, Children, Girls, Boys, Group photo, Group, Outside, Gun, Rifle, Tent, Clothing, Camp

Collection: B2022.005 Amidon


(Fourth of July float, 1932) [4-H Club float decorated with club logos, with young women in bathing suits on back of truck, building in background]
Keywords: recreation, sports

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


[two young Alaska Native women posed in bushes next to large building, both wearing beanies, location non-Alaskan, possibly boarding school]
Keywords: education

Collection: B2015.007

Collection: B2022.005 Amidon Tags: Megapixels: 8.6 Scan Resolution: 600 px/in Dimensions: 2917 x 2955 pixels File Size: 8.2 MB Color Space: ">


[Two Indigenous Alaskan young women in dresses smiling; boy wearing costume gun holster at right. Girl in white dress possibly Elva "Willie" Amidon]
Keywords: Indigenous, BIPOC, Alaska, Alaskan, Young women, Teenager, Teen, Dress, Smile, Smiling, Boy, Costume, Holster, Gun holster, House, Home, Interior, Elva Amidon, Elva "Willie" Amidon, Willie Amidon

Collection: B2022.005 Amidon


[group posed outdoors next to building, with elder woman wearing fur parka and eyeglasses, two young women wearing squirrel fur parkas, and two young girls wearing cloth parkas, ladder against log building at left and another in background]
Keywords: clothing, residences

Collection: B2015.007


[three elder women wearing print parkas and young girl sitting next to low tent, whalebones and umiaks in background, Point Hope; print date Jun 72]

Collection: B2000.017 Morris Reese


L to R: Dede Jimmie and trainees Linda Baker and Laverne Jimmie (all of Minto) enjoy a quiet canoe ride after swim lessons in Minto [three young women in boat]

Collection: B2017.017


“Eklutna Industrial School, U.S. Government Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs” Dining room [four young women setting tables] [Dena'ina Elnena, Idlughet (Eklutna)]
Keywords: Dena'ina, Dena'ina Elnena, Tanaina, Idlughet, Eklutna, Eklutna Industrial School, Eklutna school, Eklutna Vocational School, Boarding school, School, Education, U.S. Government, Department of the Interior, Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, B.I.A., BIA, Dining room, Place setting, Young women, Students, Indigenous

Collection: B2019.003


[group posed outdoors next to building, with elder woman wearing fur parka and eyeglasses, two young women wearing squirrel fur parkas, and two young girls wearing cloth parkas, ladder against log building at left and another in background. Same as .14]

Collection: B2015.007


(Fourth of July float, 1932) [4-H Club float covered in foliage, with young women in bathing suits, holding golf clubs, or with rod and reel and creel, building in background]
Keywords: agriculture, animal husbandry, recreation, sports

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


Hewitt's 23 (Early Fur Rendezvous Queens) [two women and one young girl in fur parkas sitting on thrones, left to right: Miss Yukon, Miss Alaska, and Miss Dawson]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


E-61-a (Queen Ruthie Johnson and attendants) [woman in evening dress, cape, and tiara, holding wand, standing on building steps with five young women in printed dresses, Eklutna? 1937?]
Keywords: clothing

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


E-65 (Queen Ruthie Johnson and attendants) [woman in evening dress, cape, and tiara, holding wand, standing on building steps with five young women in printed dresses, Eklutna? 1937?]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


E-75 (Queen Ruthie Johnson and attendants) [woman in evening dress, cape, and tiara, holding wand, standing on building steps with five young women in printed dresses, Eklutna? 1937?]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


[Alaska Native elder woman and four young women posed outdoors, all wearing traditional clothing, woman at right wearing squirrel fur parka, wood-plank building and hill in background]

Collection: B2015.007


(Cub Scouts, 9/19/??) [two women standing with young boys in Cub Scout uniforms in front of man at microphone wearing Native American Indian-style dress, in large hall during ceremony]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


[two Alaska Native women posed with young girl outdoors next to log building, woman at left wearing pearl necklace, all three wearing Western style clothing. Original print damaged]
Keywords: clothing

Collection: B2015.007


[Two Indigenous Alaskan young women wearing Inupiaq-style fur parkas and mukluks with geometric trim and large fur ruffs; fur likely reindeer/caribou. Girls are standing against exterior door midwinter]
Keywords: Indigenous, BIPOC, Alaska, Alaskan, Women, Young women, Girls, Parka, Mukluks, Fur, Reindeer, Caribou, Inupiaq, Inupiat, Geometric trim, Trim, Decoration, Fur ruff, Door, Exterior, Building, Structure, Winter, Snow

Collection: B2022.005 Amidon