19 images matching +St +Elias Range


St. Elias Range [bird’s eye view of mountains]
Keywords: mountain, St Elias Range

Collection: B2015.008


St. Elias Range [bird’s eye view of mountains] .948 – [similar to .947]
Keywords: St Elias Range, mountain, glacier

Collection: B2015.008


(Mt St Elias Haines Highway)

Collection: B1993.020 Rhodes


Sydney Laurence painting, Cape St. Elias and boat

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


Sydney Laurence painting, Cape St. Elias and rocks.

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


162.7. Looking towards Mt. St. Elias from 16,000 ft. 5.18.12, 7:45 P.M. [bird’s eye view across mountain range]
Keywords: mountaineering, Mt Blackburn, Wrangell Mountains, glacier, crevasses

Collection: B2015.008


Mt. St. Elias left background, from Mt. Hendrickson. Riggs. M. 12-06 [bird’s eye view of mountains]
Keywords: mountain, St Elias Range, glacier

Collection: B2015.008


B-59. Cape St. Elias, Gulf of Alaska. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


Mt. St. Elias in center background, panorama #1 from Mt. Tebenkof. Riggs. M. 26-06, 8008 [bird’s eye view of mountains]
Keywords: mountain, St Elias Range, glacier

Collection: B2015.008


Mt. St. Elias, Mt. Huxley, photo from A. Point 1 on this photo is Baldwin’s last camp and the point where the 141 crossed the ridge. From this point the line goes to the summit of Mt. St. Elias. The black circle on the small peak on the north side of St. Elias is the peak shown on the left foreground of Duke de Abruzzi’s panorama to northward from St. Elias. They probably ascended via the black rocks shown just beyond [aerial view of mountains]
Keywords: mountains, glacier

Collection: B2015.008


L118 Alaska's scenic coastline, unsurpassed in sheer might and majesty - Mt St. Elias [same as .974]

Collection: B1998.014 Brickley


Mt. St. Elias in background, Mt. Unana in foreground, head of Disenchantment Bay, photo from Black Tip, Pan. #1. Riggs. 7973 [bird’s eye view of mountains]
Keywords: mountain, St Elias Range, glacier

Collection: B2015.008


L118 Alaska's coastline is unsurpassed in sheer might and majesty - Mt St Elias [copy neg; mountains, tidewater glacier]

Collection: B1998.014 Brickley


Looking southeast across the debris covered eastern end of Russell Glacier in Skolai Pass, and St. Elias Range east of Mt. Natazhat. 335 [bird’s eye view of glacial moraine, snowcapped mountains in distance]
Keywords: glacial moraine, mountains

Collection: B2015.008


Mt. St. Elias from border of Malaspina Glacier. A.H. Brooks. 515, Russell [view up glacier to mountain peak]
Keywords: mountaineering, glacier

Collection: B2015.008


Tents, Baldwin’s Camp [arrow]. Baldwin, shoulder St. Elias, 1913. Eaton [distant view of tents set up on side of mountain at right, probably Asa C. Baldwin on boundary survey]
Keywords: glacier, mountains

Collection: B2015.008


View north from Mt. Tebenkof, Mt. Hendrickson foreground, Disenchantment Bay over ridge from Mt. Tebenkof. Riggs. 8003 [bird’s eye view of mountains]
Keywords: mountain, St Elias Range, glacier

Collection: B2015.008


Pano #2, Mt. Tebenkof. Riggs. M. 18-06, 8000 [bird’s eye view of mountains]
Keywords: mountain, St Elias Range, glacier

Collection: B2015.008


Wrangell Mt., [circle] Mt. Logan. Riggs [bird’s eye view of mountains]
Keywords: mountain, St Elias Range, glacier

Collection: B2015.008