27 images from collection B2000_013A


[from verso] "Toksook" [aerial view of village of Toksook Bay]

Collection: B2000.013A


[from verso] "Chef." [aerial view of village of Chefornak, river, ponds; wing of aircraft in upper portion of image]

Collection: B2000.013A


[from verso] "Florence Billy" [a woman squats on the floor gutting and boning what appears to be a small animal; pans, rug]

Collection: B2000.013A


[from verso] "Florence Billy" [from calendar: "Florence Billy of Chefornak makes a ptarmigan into a meal." a woman squats on the floor gutting and boning ptarmigan; pans, rug]

Collection: B2000.013A


[from verso] "Jimmy John" [baby is held up by person on edge of image; bookcases in background]

Collection: B2000.013A


[from verso] "Jimmy John" [baby is held up by person on edge of image; bookcases in background; 9/12/1977 newsletter identifies John and parents Marge Larsen and Jimmie John, Sr, residents of Chefornak]

Collection: B2000.013A


[aerial view of village and airstrip; aircraft strut in upper left; likely Newtok, 1977]

Collection: B2000.013A


[aerial view of airstrip; likely Newtok, 1977]

Collection: B2000.013A


[aerial view of village airstrip; airplanes, hangars, other structures; likely Newtok, 1977]

Collection: B2000.013A


[aerial view near Newtok; aircraft strut and wing at right of photo; August 1977]

Collection: B2000.013A


[aerial view over rivers, ponds; aircraft strut visible at lower right; likely near Newtok, 1977]

Collection: B2000.013A


[aerial view of village, rivers, ponds; likely Newtok, 1977]

Collection: B2000.013A


[aerial view of village, rivers, ponds; likely near Newtok, 1977]

Collection: B2000.013A


[aerial view of village, rivers, ponds; likely near Newtok, 1977; simlar to .014]

Collection: B2000.013A


[aerial view of village, rivers, ponds; likely near Newtok, 1977; strut and underside of airplane wing visible at top of image]

Collection: B2000.013A


[Newtok; August 1977; From newsletter caption: "Berry picking is an important fall activity for CMC villagers. Here, Nicholas and Agnes Tommy head for the berry bushes west of Newtok. 'Lots of salmon and blue berries,' they reported at the end of August. After berry picking comes agootuk!"; man and woman holding pails pose on muddy track; tundra in background]

Collection: B2000.013A


[aerial view of village, rivers, likely near Newtok, 1977; underside of airplane wing visible in top of image]

Collection: B2000.013A


(Newtok, 1977) [interior image of women and girls wearing winter coats, hat, scarves, gathered in a public building; person using vending machine in background]

Collection: B2000.013A


(Newtok, 1977) [interior image of women and girls wearing winter coats, hat, scarves, gathered in a public building; person using vending machine in background; calendar caption reads: "Going home for the holidays! These young ladies are on their way from high school and visiting friends in Bethel to villages in the CMC region."]

Collection: B2000.013A


[from verso] "P5 health aide" [two women sit talking in front of window; both wearing coats]

Collection: B2000.013A


Paul Charles, Newtok [Identified in 2/28/1978 newsletter as president of Newtok Village corporation; man sitting on wood steps outside structure; window in background; 1977]

Collection: B2000.013A


[meeting scene; men seated at table; papers; cofffee; ashtray; tape recorder; "Improving Alaska's tomorrow: Multiethnic education today" written on chalkboard; art poster at left]

Collection: B2000.013A


[meeting scene; men seated at table, identified in 2/10/1978 newletter as the board of CMC at a three day meeting in January of 1978 "Shown here (going around the table from the far end): Present Paul Albert, Sam Weston and Dale Smith of Mekoryuk, Stanley Anthony of Nighmute, Paul Charles of Newtok and Wilson Jerue, CMC comptroller"; papers; cofffee; ashtray; tape recorder; "Improving Alaska's tomorrow: Multiethnic education today" written on chalkboard; art poster at left]

Collection: B2000.013A


[aerial view from Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta area, some snow on ground, ice]

Collection: B2000.013A


[from verso] "Newtok Aerial" "Calendar says 'Mekoryak' 1978" [aeriel view likely of village of Newtok; structures; river in Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta area; some snow on ground]

Collection: B2000.013A


[from verso] "baby; Maggie Tom, Newtok, 1978" [man sits with baby on his lap]

Collection: B2000.013A


[from verso] "baby; Maggie Tom, Newtok, 1978" [identified in10/30/1977 newsletter as "one of Newtok's newer residents is one-year old Maggie Tommy, sitton on father David's knee; man sits with infant on his lap]

Collection: B2000.013A