Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center
Bob and Evangeline Atwood Alaska Resource Center
625 C Street
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: 907-929-9235
Fax: 907-929-9233

Guide prepared by: Sara Piasecki, Archivist

TITLE: Alaska Travel Scrapbook



Dates: 1932

Extent: 1 box; 1.3 linear feet

Language and Scripts: The collection is in English.

Name of creator(s): Alaska Steamship Co., Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Robert Bragaw,
Edmund Andrews, Otto Schallerer, William C. Fisher, H.W. Steward

Administrative/Biographical History:
The compiler was possibly Dorothy Allen, who lived in the Spokane, Washington, area.
Nothing else was known about her at the time of processing.

Scope and Content Description:
The collection consists of one scrapbook measuring 12 ¼” x 9 ¼”, containing 26 photographs,
23 postcards, clippings, and other ephemera collected during a 1932 trip to Alaska. The
itinerary included an Alaska Railroad trip into the Interior, and a trip up the Inside Passage on
the Alaska Steamship Company’s S.S. Alaska. There are also six loose items, numbered at the
end of the collection. Many of the scrapbook items are accompanied by the compiler’s
captions. The loose photographs bear captions on the verso; unfortunately the photographs in
the scrapbook are glued securely to the pages and cannot be checked for additional notes. For
more information, see Detailed Description of Collection.

Arrangement: Not applicable


Restrictions on Access: The collection is open for research use.

Physical Access: Original items in fair to good condition.

Technical Access: No special equipment is needed to access the materials.

Conditions Governing Reproduction and Use:
The Anchorage Museum is the owner of the materials and makes available reproductions for
research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the
Anchorage Museum before any reproduction use. The Anchorage Museum does not
necessarily hold copyright to all of the materials in the collections. In some cases, permission
for use may require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.

Preferred Citation:
Alaska Travel Scrapbook, Anchorage Museum, B2016.020


Acquisition and Appraisal Information
Donated in August 2016 by Robin Pekrul, who received the item from her uncle. He had
obtained it at an estate sale in Spokane decades earlier.

Cornelia Lincoln Martin Scrapbook, B1992.024
Nickell Collection, B1995.001
Trip to Alaska, B1997.008
Inside Passage Collection, B2004.021
Natalie Brother Photograph Album, B2009.004
Alma T. Nelson Album, B2012.035
Vera Zimmerman Photographs, B2013.077
Keltner Inside Passage Collection, B2015.014
Kenneth Fleshman and Shirley Hyde Hood Alaska Collection, B2015.020

Alaska Steamship Co.
Inside Passage—Description and travel
Juneau (Alaska)
Petersburg (Alaska)
Sitka (Alaska)
Skagway (Alaska)

Wrangell (Alaska)
Victoria (B.C.)

Detailed Description of the Collection

[unnumbered] Confetti when we sail, Aug. 16, 1932
 1 — [caption:] Rhododendrons are beautiful in Beacon Park in the spring [Color “Oilette” postcard. Painting signed by Ellen Warrington. Probably Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, B.C.]
 2 — Mount Baker from Oak Bay, Victoria, B.C. [caption:] Mountains tower into blue skies [Postcard]
 3 — Causeway showing Empress Hotel & Parliament Bldgs., Victoria, B.C. [caption:] X marks the museum where we saw a most interesting collection of arctic animals, stuffed of course! [Postcard]
 4 — Douglas St., Victoria, B.C. [caption:] I bought two lovely color prints here, blue sea and shoreline in golds & browns [Postcard]
 5 — Crystal Gardens, Victoria, B.C. [Postcard]
 6 — Olympic Range, from Victoria, B.C. [caption:] The beautiful Olympics [Postcard]
 7 — Butcharts Gardens, Victoria, B.C. [Postcard. Butchart Gardens]
 8 — Empress Hotel, Victoria, B.C. [Postcard]
 9 — Saanich Observatory & grounds, Victoria, B.C. [Postcard. Dominion Astrophysical Observatory]
 10 — A portion of Government St., Victoria, B.C. [caption:] A so-called busy street. And you even see women riding bicycles there [Postcard]
 11 — Parliament Bldgs., Victoria, B.C. [caption:] Like a bit of the Old World [Postcard]
 12 — Beacon Hill Park, Victoria, B.C. [Color postcard]
 13 — The Alaska Line [Clipping. View down railroad tracks along river]
 14 — Map of Alaska, Atlin, and the Yukon Territory. White Pass & Yukon Route [caption:] Alaska [Clipping. Map]
 15 — Columbia Glacier, two scenes of this stupendous ice Niagara [caption:] A glacier of the 2 nd order [Clipping. Two images of steamships at glacier terminus]
 16 — [Clipping. Dog portrait]
 17 — Bird’s eye view of greater Seattle and vicinity. Copyright by Kennedy Company [Clipping. Map]
 18 — A rockery, typical of that seen before many homes in Seattle [caption:] Beautiful rock gardens are seen in Seattle [Clipping]
 19 — The shores of Lake Washington are lined with beautiful homes [caption:] Cruising along Lake Washington we see [illegible] [Clipping]
 20 — A giant ocean liner passing through Government Locks on its way to the Orient [caption:] Going through the locks near Ballard [Clipping]
 21 — Trans-Pacific liner, docked at Smith’s Cove [caption:] Seattle marine view [Clipping]
 22 — Business district and Elliott Bay, from Queen Anne Boulevard [caption:] Mt. Rainier in the distance [Clipping]
 23 — Seattle, metropolis of the Pacific Northwest, is the post of departure for all Alaska Line steamships [caption:] Confetti thrown at departure [Clipping. Image of steamship with Seattle waterfront in background, and image of streamers being thrown from ship at dock]
 24 — [Clipping. Image of steamship under way]
 25 — [Clipping. Scenic. Caption illegible]
 26 — [caption:] A most interesting place, this dining room! Food, all kinds of it, perfectly delicious! X marks where I sat [Clipping. Interior of ship dining room]
 27 — [caption:] The real Alaskans [Clipping. Image of Athabascan Indians]
 28 — [caption:] Scenes in McKinley Park, Alaska. Nenana River from Alaska R.R. In the Interior of Alaska [Clipping]
 29 — The Alaska Line. In Mt. McKinley National Park. Bragaw’s, Anchorage [caption:] The interior of Alaska [Clipping. Scenic]
 30 — [caption:] Nenana River from the Alaska R.R. Curry Hotel operated by Alaska R.R. Trail Lake near Seward [Clipping. Three scenic views]
 31 — [caption:] In the interior [Clipping. Scenic]
 32 — [caption:] Mt. Edgecomb [sic] near Sitka [Clipping. Mount Edgecumbe]
 33 — [caption:] In the interior [Clipping. Scenic]
 34 — [Clipping. Horseback rider, Denali in background]
 35 — [caption:] In the interior. Rapids Lodge on Golden Belt Line. Views along the Richardson Highway. This follows the ancient “trail” to Fairbanks [Clipping. Four scenic views]
 36 — [caption:] In the Interior. Mt. McKinley from the painting by S. Lawrence [sic] now located in a little hotel in Anchorage. In the early part of his career, he (Lawrence) had to leave it there to pay a board bill. Since then he has tried repeatedly to buy it back but the hotel has refused to give it up since his fame has made it priceless [Clipping. Painting by Sydney Laurence]
 37 — [caption:] This dog belongs to a photographer who lives in Atlin [Clipping. Dog portrait]
 38 — C121. Over Chilkoot Pass during the Gold Rush in Alaska. Thousands of gold seekers used this trail [caption:] Alaska of the long ago [Color postcard]
 39 — Menu, the Alaska Line, Alaska Steamship Company [caption:] Copy of the painting “Off to the potlatch” by Lawrence [sic] [Clipping. Sydney Laurence painting]
 40 — Canadian Pacific. The Chateau Lake Louise [Clipping]
 41 — S.S. Prince Rupert at Skagway, Alaska [caption:] This picture was given to me by the head cook on the S.S. Alaska [Photographic postcard. S.S. Prince Rupert under way]
 42 — The Alaska Line [Clipping. Scenic view down highway]
 43 — The Alaska Line [Clipping. Caribou herd]
 44 — 5602. Salmon leaping falls, Ketchikan, Alaska [caption:] This is a beautiful sight, one to remember – but the same place, a week or so later – oh! [Color postcard]
 45 — Cold Stream, vacuum packed Alaska pink salmon [Salmon can label]
 46 — Perfect Strike, vacuum packed Alaska chum salmon [Salmon can label]
 47 — Sultana, vacuum packed Alaska red salmon [Salmon can label]
 48 — [caption:] Sunset on the sea [Clipping]
 49 — [caption:] Bridal Veil Falls in Keystone Canyon [Clipping]
 50 — 2 hours from Seattle, Washington. 14 [caption:] To Seattle by airplane from Spokane. The world is a beautiful place when you look down upon it from far away. The wheatlands were an exquisitely designed patch-work quilt of rich velvet. The rivers were emerald ribbons crystal clear, and from our great height could be seen the shallows and sand-bars. We flew past the craggy tops of mountains in the Cascades where the white foaming waterfalls hurried down to the green valleys farther on. We flew above billows of fog and literally “came down to earth” on Boeing Field. [Color postcard. Scenic of mountain resort]
 51 — [Photograph. Single propeller tail-dragger airplane on field, United Air Lines moveable stairway in foreground, probably Boeing Field]
 52 — [Ticket. Mamer Air Transport]
 53 — [Ticket. Alaska Steamship Co., S.S. Alaska Voy. 142. Passenger leaves steamer at Skagway]
 54 — C136. Midnight sun on the Yukon, Alaska [caption:] The Land of the Midnight Sun. They told us in Skagway that the vegetation attained such luxuriance because of the long hours of sunlight [Color postcard]
 55 — C138. Taku Glacier, Alaska [caption:] We were here for over two hours on Aug. Our boat went even closer than this picture shows. I shall never forget the blue of those icebergs nor the reluctant dignity with which one great column of blue-green ice slowly parted from the glacier and sank into the sea [Color postcard]
 56 — Columbia Glacier, one of the great scenic wonders of the world, is three hundred feet high [...] [Clipping. Two-page foldout image of steamship at glacier terminus]
 57 — Map of the Inside Passage cruise to Alaska, Seattle, Skagway, Sitka. The Alaska Line, Alaska Steamship Company [caption:] This map tells the story (at least in part) of our trip, where we went and when we went there [Map. Foldout, with manuscript annotations]
 58 — Table of distances. Altitude above sea level [Clipping. White Pass & Yukon Route destinations]
 59 — [Clipping. Aerial view of Fairbanks]
 60 — [caption:] Resurrection Bay, named by Russians. Seward is located at the head of this bay [Clipping]
 61 — [caption:] Sitka, the Russian capitol in the olden days. The old Russian church in Sitka [Clipping. Two views]
 62 — [caption:] Canyon City in the gold rush days of ’99. Loading freight to tram car to haul around Miles Canyon and Whitehorse Rapids [Clipping. Men and supplies on river shore, sign for Yukon Hotel at left, paddle steamer in background]
 63 — [Photograph. Three women posed with grindstone, buildings in background, Sitka]
 64 — [Photograph. Street view, looking up Lincoln Street to St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral, with pedestrians and signs for businesses including Butterworth Bakery and G.H. McGrath, Sitka]
 65 — [Photograph. Man posed with grindstone, sign reading “Community Grindstone used by the Russian Colony in 1830,” buildings in background, Sitka]
 66 — [Photograph. Cannery worker posed with salmon]
 67 — [Photograph. Two women walking on campus of Sheldon Jackson College, Sitka]
 68 — [Clipping. Sitka waterfront]
 69 — [caption:] Mt. McKinley, highest mountain in N. America [Clipping]
 70 — [caption:] Scenes along Copper River [Clipping. Three scenic views]
 71 — [caption:] Kennecott, the copper center of Alaska [Clipping. Bird’s eye view of mine]
 72 — [caption:] Chitina, where the Copper River and Northwestern Railway and Richardson Highway meet [Clipping. Bird’s eye view]
 73 — [Photograph. Woman seated on front porch of house, holding large dahlia flower, possibly Blanchard Garden, Skagway]
 74 — Swan River daisies, snapdragons, dahlias – Blanchard’s Garden, Skagway [Clipping]
 75 — [Photograph. View of gardens, possibly Blanchard Garden, Skagway]
 76 — [Photograph. Two women in front of house, possibly Blanchard Garden, Skagway]
 77 — [Photograph. Street scene, with railroad tracks passing buildings, with signs for Pacific Steamship Co. ticket office and E. H. Richter Jewelry and Curios, Skagway]
 78 — [Photograph. Three women and one man on dock, woman in foreground wearing ship officer’s jacket]
 79 — [caption:] The famous “Skagway Street Car.” The best “line” for tourists anywhere on the trip [Clipping]
 80 — Pullen House, Skagway, Alaska [caption:] A museum with neither rhyme nor reason. A miscellany of walrus teeth, lodge pine, ancient photographs, old roulette wheels, guns, deer heads, furs, furniture used in the olden days, maps, a German helmet, and so on, ad infinitum [Clipping. Portion of pamphlet cover]
 81 — C122. Soapy Smith skull, Skagway, Alaska [caption:] A racketeer of the olden days. The “uncrowned king” of Skagway till people got tired of his regime and Reid forfeited his life to get rid of him [Color postcard]
 82 — #12. Pullen House, Skagway, Alaska [caption:] A hospitable lady who enjoys being photographed overly well [Postcard. Exterior of hotel]
 83 — C119. Lynn Canal and Skagway, Alaska [caption:] X is where the boat docked [Color postcard. Bird’s eye view]
 84 — Interior view Kirmse’s shop, Skagway, Alaska [caption:] The most artistic curio shop I visited [Clipping]
 85 — [caption:] A born comedian. The “conductor” on the “Skagway Street Car” [Postcard. Martin Itjen posed with streetcar]
 86 — [caption:] Dinner time? [Clipping. Dog in log cache]
 87 — Dawson – The Klondike [Clipping. Bird’s eye view with descriptive text]
 88 — [Photograph. Scenic of forested shoreline as seen from water]
 89 — [Photograph. Buildings and docks of Nakat Packing Co. Hidden Inlet Cannery as seen from water]
 90 — [Photograph. Ship officer speaking to cannery worker on dock, fish at their feet]
 91 — [Photograph. Scow full of fish at cannery dock]
 92 — [Photograph. Interior of cannery, with workers at tables]
 93 — Caribou swimming the Yukon [Clipping]
 94 — Miles Canyon and suspension foot-bridge [Clipping]
 95 — Pitchfork Falls [Clipping]
 96 — Looking across Lake Bennett to the railway [Clipping]
 97 — Lake Le Barge [Clipping]
 98 — Dead Horse Gulch [Clipping]
 99 — Coming up the canyon, White Pass, March 30, 1899 [Clipping]
 100 — Five Finger Rapids [Clipping]
 101 — Shooting White Horse Rapids “with the fear of death for pilot” [Clipping]
102 — [Photograph. Two women standing in front of wooden building with three panels bearing Tlingit designs. At AFN 2016, designs identified as old style line designs, with Spirit of Octopus at left, possibly Bear at right]
 103 — [Photograph. Street scene, totem poles outside of Walter C. Waters Bear Totem Store, Wrangell]
 104 — [Photograph. Woman standing next to Bear totem post in front of store, Wrangell]
 105 — [Photograph. Two women standing next to totem pole between buildings, bottom figure is a bird totem]
 106 — [Photograph. Wrangell waterfront as seen from ship]
 107 — Brentwood Bay, Victoria, B.C. [Clipping]
 108 — Suspension bridge, Capilano Canyon, Vancouver, B.C. [Clipping]
 109 — Fine stream fishing. Campbell River salmon [Clipping. Two images]
 110 — Picturesque highways lead to interesting points on the island and mainland [Clipping]
 111 — [Photograph. Parliament buildings, Victoria, B.C.]
 112 — Siwash Rock, entrance to Vancouver Island [Clipping]
 113 — Right, Vancouver skyline and harbor from Vancouver Hotel [Clipping]
 114 — Taku Glacier, Alaska [Color postcard]
 115 — Skagway and Lynn Canal. E. Andrews, Douglas [Clipping]
 116 — The Loop at Mile 50 on the Alaska R.R. E. Andrews, Douglas [Clipping]
 117 — Kenai Lake near Seward. O.C. Schallerer, Seward [Clipping]
 118 — Sunset in Alaska. Bragaw’s, Anchorage [Clipping]
 119 — The S.S. “Northwestern” in Graham Reach. c. Western Canada Airways Ltd. [Clipping. Cf. .126]
 120 — Wrangell. E. Andrews, Douglas [Clipping. Aerial view. Same as .128]
 121 — Juneau. E. Andrews, Douglas [Clipping. Distant view of waterfront]
 122 — Seward. E. Andrews, Douglas [Clipping. Aerial view]
 123 — Ketchikan. Fisher Studio, Ketchikan [Clipping. Aerial view]
 124 — Chilkoot Barracks. E. Andrews, Douglas [Clipping. Aerial view]
 125 — An old Alaska Highway. O.C. Schallerer, Seward [Clipping]
 126 — The S.S. Northwestern in Graham Reach. c. Western Canada Airways Ltd. [Clipping. Cf. .119]
 127 — S.S. Yukon at Columbia Glacier. H.W. Steward, Cordova [Clipping]
 128 — Wrangell. E. Andrews, Douglas [Clipping. Aerial view. Same as .120]
 129 — Childs Glacier [Clipping]
 130 — [caption:] As the Indians travelled in their war canoes before the white-man “infested” his shores [Clipping. Glenn Sheckels painting]
 131 — [caption:] As we travelled on the S.S. Alaska in the summer of ’32 [Clipping. Glenn Sheckels painting] Loose images
 132 — Alaska [Clipping. Cover of Canadian Pacific Express brochure, painting of steamship at glacier terminus]
 133 — [on verso:] On Tongass Natl. Highway near Ketchikan, moonlight scene, purchase Aug. 18 th Fisher Studios, Ketchikan [Photograph. Scenic]
 134 — [on verso:] 193. Juneau as seen from Alaska-Juneau Mill [Photograph. Bird’s eye view of waterfront, mine structures in right foreground]
 135 — [on verso:] 377. Sitka [Photograph. Waterfront as seen from water, St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral at left]
 136 — [on verso:] 459. Mother Fitch resents intrusion, mink farm, Petersburg [Photograph. Mink in pen, man standing nearby]
 137 — [on verso:] 572. The gallant first officer is smitten by the charms of the “expert shuffle- board player” [man in uniform and woman posed with shuffleboard on deck, other passengers in background] Guide updated: October 27, 2016