Anchorage Museum at Rasmuson Center
Bob and Evangeline Atwood Alaska Resource Center
625 C Street
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: 907-929-9235
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Guide prepared by: Sara Piasecki, Photo Archivist

TITLE: John N. Rupp Collection



Dates: 1943-1991, bulk 1944-1945

Extent: 2 linear feet

Language and Scripts: The collection is in English.

Name of creator(s): John N. Rupp

Administrative/Biographical History:
John N. Rupp was born March 18, 1913, in Seattle, WA. He was educated at the University of
Washington, and received his law degree from the UW Law School in 1937. He practiced with
McMicken, Rupp and Schweppe from 1939 to 1962, and then served as vice president and
counsel for Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone Company from 1962-1975. He then joined
Schweppe, Doolittle, Krug, Tausend and Beezer, and later Preston Gates and Ellis, before
retiring in 1995.1

He left his legal practice in 1944, when he was commissioned as an ensign in the U.S. Navy.
He was sent to “indoctrination school” in Tucson and then to communications school at
Harvard. He served a short tour on the Coding Board of the 13th Naval District at Seattle before
being ordered to the 17th Naval District at Adak. He worked in communications and briefly as
Acting Distric Legal Officer before being assigned as Aide, Flag Secretary, and Flag Lieutenant
to Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher. He was with Fletcher in Japan for about three weeks after the
Japanese surrender in 1945. Returning to Kodiak, Rupp then became Aide and Flag Lieutenant
to Admiral Ralph Wood, serving in that capacity until his release from active duty in February

1 “Memorial service today for attorney John Rupp.” Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Aug. 27, 1996.
2 Rupp, John N. The War and I and other topics. 1991

Rupp died Aug. 21, 1996, in Seattle, WA.

Scope and Content Description:
The collection consists of a large scrapbook, a small binder of cartoons from The Adakian (a
newspaper produced by American servicemen stationed in Adak, Alaska, during World War II),
photographs, documents, correspondence, and an autobiography. Most of the materials pertain
to Rupp‟s service with the U.S. Navy in World War II.

Arranged in six series: 1. Scrapbook. 2. The Adakian cartoons 1945. 3. U.S. Navy photographs.
4. Personal photographs. 5. Manuscript materials. 6. Autobiography.


Restrictions on Access: The collection is open for research use.

Physical Access: Original items in good condition.

Technical Access: No special equipment is needed to access the materials.

Conditions Governing Reproduction and Use:
The Anchorage Museum is the owner of the materials and makes available reproductions for
research, publication, and other uses. Written permission must be obtained from the Anchorage
Museum before any reproduction use. The Anchorage Museum does not necessarily hold
copyright to all of the materials in the collections. In some cases, permission for use may
require seeking additional authorization from the copyright owners.

Preferred Citation:
John N. Rupp Collection, Anchorage Museum, B2011.012


Acquisition and Appraisal Information
Donated by James Rupp, son of John Rupp, in September 2011.

Processing Notes
Scrapbook paper is brittle. Cartoons from The Adakian require preservation copying.

Separated Materials
The Aleutian Islands: their people and natural history (City of Washington : Smithsonian
Institution, 1945) sent to cataloging.

Rupp, John N. 1913-1996
World War, 1939-1945--Naval operations, American
World War, 1939-1945--Alaska--Aleutian Islands

Adak Island (Alaska)
Kodiak Island (Alaska)

Detailed Description of the Collection

Series 1: Scrapbook
[Page numbers in brackets; only photographs received unique accession numbers in the series]
- Supplemental Information. [U.S. Naval Reserve form completed by John Norris Rupp]. 1
page. No date.
- Typescript. John Rupp. “In connection with Items B1 and D1 on Form BNP 953, I wish to
submit the following information.” 3 pages. No date.
- Typescript correspondence. Wm. J. Steinert to John N. Rupp, November 2, 1943. 1 page.
- Manuscript note. From Wiggins. No date.
- Typescript correspondence. Copy. Wm. J. Steinert to Office of Naval Officer Procurement,
November 2, 1943. 1 page
- Typescript correspondence. Copy. [Signature illegible] to Office of Naval Officer
Procurement, November 1, 1943. 1 page
- Typescript correspondence. Copy. Ben B. Erlichman to Office of Naval Officer Procurement,
November 2, 1943. 1 page
- Manuscript correspondence. John N. Rupp to Mr. Garvin, November 5, 1943. With
manuscript response from Garvin on verso. 1 page
- Typescript correspondence. George B. Simpson to John N. Rupp, November 11, 1943. 1 page
- Typescript correspondence. T.M. Jenner to John N. Rupp, November 12, 1943. 1 page
- Typescript correspondence. Copy. T.M. Jenner to Office of Naval Officer Procurement,
November 8, 1943. 1 page
- Typescript correspondence. Paul Ashley to John Rupp, George Powell, and DeWitt Williams,
February 1, 1944. 1 page
- Memorandum. Chief of Naval Personnel to John N. Rupp, January 17, 1944, re active duty. 1
- Form. Appointment in Naval Reserve, John Norris Rupp, January 8, 1944. 1 page
- Typescript poem. “Farewell to the 17th
/ Battalion, N.T.S., Tuscon, Arizona.” 1 page
- Program. “17th
/ Battalion Presents „Now Hear This.‟” April 11, 1944. 1 sheet.
- Manuscript note. Cushing, Company Commander, to Rupp. 1 page, with bed tag dated
February 18, [1944].
- Certificate. John N. Rupp, Naval Training School Indoctrination Course, April 12, 1944.
- Manuscript chart. Grades at NTS (Indoc.) Tucson.
1.1 – Photograph. Platoon 12 – 17th
/ Battalion, Naval Training School, Tucson, Arizona, March
1944 [group portrait, with names supplied in manuscript below]

1.2 – Photograph. Victoria B.C. Aug. 1944 [man in military uniform and woman walking on
sidewalk; John Rupp?]
1.3 – Photograph. Adak [John Rupp?]
1.4 – Photograph. Dr. Greg Grimaldi
1.5 – Photograph. Lt.(j.g.) Ole P. Sand
1.6 – Photograph. Adak 1944 [John Rupp?]
1.7 – Photograph. Adak HQ Com 17 Jan. 1945, Crasher, Warber, Logan, Van Dyck, Wilcox,
1.8 – Photograph. Jack Morehead, Howd, Roy Civille
1.9 – Photograph. LCDR Gid Howd
- Memorandum. Chief of Naval Personnel to John Rupp, March 31, 1944 re change of duty. 1
- Memorandum. Chief of Naval Personnel to John Rupp, July 19, 1944 re change of duty. 1
- Form. Travel Statement for John N. Rupp, dated July 28 to September 12, 1944. 1 page
- Flyer. Photocopy. Sketch with caption “In the Aleutians, people are no damned good.”
1.10 – Photograph. Lt. Carl Schenker, Flag Secretary Com 17
1.11 – Photograph. Sand, Douds, Humphries
1.12 – Photograph. Sand, Humphries, Douds, Hopkins
1.13 – Photograph. Barnthouse, Babington, ?
1.14 – Photograph. Sand, W.V. Hopkins, Humphries
1.15 – Photograph. Lt. Jack McBride, 17th
/ N.D. Legal Officer 1944-1945
1.16 – Photograph. Dist. Legal Officer, Acting, HQ Com 17 Adak, Spring ‟45 [John Rupp?]
1.17 – Photograph. Capt. Manlove Med. Corps
1.18 – Photograph. Lt. Leroy Civille
1.19 – Photograph. Howd, MacKinnon, Ray
1.20 – Photograph. Bob Crasher, Dick Wilcox, Sand, JOQ Ward Room, 17th
/ N.D. Adak
1.21 – Photograph. At F.D. Roosevelt Memorial Service [John Rupp]
1.22 – Photograph. De Votie, Logan [Rupp], Eklund, Howd, Briley
1.23 – Photograph. Lt. Gordon Hazen
1.24 – Photograph. Myrl A. Haygood, Adak 17th
/ N.D.
1.25 – Photograph. July ‟45 Adak 17th
/ N.D. [John Rupp]
1.26 – Photograph. Adak, Rupp, Van Dyck
1.27 – Photograph. Adak July 1945, McGreane, Rupp
1.28 – Photograph. Aug. 1945, 3 Johns NORPACFOR, Rupp, Bennison, Dietrich
1.29 – Photograph. Adak Bar Association, July 1945 [names of most supplied in manuscript
1.30 – Photograph. Com 17 JOQ Finger Bay
1.31 – Photograph. Finger Bay Area, Adak, 1944

- Legal document. Admission of attorneys to Special Term of the District Court for the
Territory of Alaska, Third Division, July 17, 1945. 2 pages
- Memorandum. For Admiral Wood from John N. Rupp, May 27, 1945, re fire at main pier of
Ship Repair at Finger Bay on April 12, 1945. 5 pages
1.32 – Photograph. HQ Com 17 Adak 1944-1945
1.33 – Photograph. [snowfall at HQ Com 17]
1.34 – Photograph. [snowfall on mountains, Adak]
1.35 – Photograph. [snowfall at HQ Com 17]
1.36 – Photograph. [snowfall at HQ Com 17]
1.37 – Photograph. [snowfall at HQ Com 17]
1.38 – Photograph. [snowfall at HQ Com 17]
1.39 – Photograph. [snowfall on Adak]
1.40 – Photograph. Finger Bay Ship Repair Area.
1.41 – Photograph. Finger Bay
1.42 – Photograph. Finger Bay, Adak
1.43 – Photograph. Rifle Range, Finger Heights Golf Club
1.44 – Photograph. Finger Bay Polo Park
1.45 – Photograph. Finger Bay, Qtrs, R.Adm Wood, Com 17
- Manuscript invitation. Bastille Day, 1945. 1 page
- Typescript. C.M.O. 165-1919. Excerpts from court martial involving drunkenness onboard the
U.S.S. Arkansas, tried March 10, 1919. 1 page
- Typescript. “R.E. Lee” by Douglas Southall Freeman, Excerpt from Vol. III, p. 331. 1 page
1.46 – Cartoon. The Sea Wolf, c. Gardner
1.47 – Photograph. Well...Goddam!! Presented to J.N.R. by Lt. Jim Reid, Adak [baby]
1.48 – Photograph. Rest room? Hell, I ain‟t tired. Where‟s the can? Sign on powder room in
Adm. Wood‟s quarters, Adak [old woman]
1.49 – Photograph. Adak R.Adm Wood‟s Qtrs, Real Estate Development Co. Office Bldg
1.50 – Photograph. [waterfall, Adak]
1.51 – Photograph.Com 17 BOQ Finger Bay
1.52 – Photograph. Adak Qtrs V.Adm Fletcher COMNORPAC
1.53 – Photograph. Com 17 Offices Adak
1.54 – Photograph. U.S.S. Ogeechee in Finger Bay
1.55 – Photograph. Rock crusher
1.56 – Photograph. Adak Hospital Area and Sweeper Cove
1.57 – Photograph. Harbormaster Station NOB Adak
1.58 – Photograph. Officers Qtrs NOB Adak
1.59 – Photograph. Enlisted Men‟s Mess NOB Adak
1.60 – Photograph. [Naval Operating Base Dispensary Village Branch]

1.61 – Photograph. [view of base and cove, possibly Sweeper Cove]
1.62 – Photograph. Mitt Lake Area, Adak
1.63 – Photograph. Yacht Club Sweeper Cove
1.64 – Photograph. NOB Adak
1.65 – Photograph. Main Street on a Saturday NOB Adak
1.66 – Photograph. Admin Bldg NOB Adak
1.67 – Photograph. Dutch Harbor 1945 May, Capt. White, Capt. Maxwell
1.68 – Photograph. Adak 1944, Bob Rose, Larry Minnick, [?], Ted Felt
1.69 – Photograph. The Beach Club, Adak beach below NORPAC hill
1.70 – Photograph. Fleet Air Wing 4 – Attu [R.Adm Wood at microphone]
1.71 – Photograph. Dutch Harbor Mt. Ballyhoo
1.72 – Photograph. Dutch Harbor May ‟45, Adm. Wood, Cdr. [Syl.?] Gazze
- Memorandum. Commandant 17th
/ Naval District to John Rupp, August 2, 1945 re temporary
additional duty. 1 page
- Memorandum. Commander North Pacific Force to John Rupp, August 2, 1945 re temporary
additional duty. 1 page
- Memorandum. Chief of Naval Personnel to John Rupp, September 5, [1945] re change of
duty. 1 page
- Chart. Command Relationship, Alaskan Department – North Pacific Force & Area – Alaskan
Sea Frontier – 17th
/ Naval District. 1 folded sheet
- Certificate. COM NOR PAC Certificate for cribbage High Mogul. Blank, no date, with
envelope addressed to Lt.(j.g.) Rupp
1.73 – Photograph. Salmon run in Brooks River Alaska
1.74 – Photograph. “Salar” [salmon]
1.75 – Photograph. “Liars Dice,” Brig. Gen. Harry Thompson C.O. U.S. Troops Adak, Vice
Adm. Frank Jack Fletcher COM NOR PAC COM AL SEA FRON
1.76 – Photograph. [Brig. Gen. Harry Thompson and V.Adm. Frank Fletcher]
1.77 – Photograph. Adak Post Cemetery Memorial Day ‟44, V. Adm. Fletcher
1.78 – Photograph. Bill Boyhan [man standing next to portrait of V.Adm. Fletcher]
1.79 – Photograph. Peggy, V.Adm. Fletcher, Maggie Richards, Rita Hogan, By Wrigley, Tomas
1.80 – Photograph. Adak Post Cemetery Memorial Day „44
1.81 – Photograph. Nelson‟s Blood [wooden barrel with plaque “Presented to Vice Admiral
Fletcher U.S. Navy and Lieutenant General Buckner U.S. Army by the Thirteenth Canadian
Infantry Brigade, January 14, 1944”]

1.82 – Photograph. Legion of Merit, Capt. Davisson, Capt. O‟Donnell [with V.Adm. Fletcher]
1.83 – Photograph. Adak Post Cemetery 1944
1.84 – Photograph. V.Adm. Fletcher, Peggy, Lt. Bill Reed
1.85 – Photograph. Bronze Star, Lt. Cdr. Ed Ferry, Cdr. Terry Watkins
1.86 – Photograph. Cdr. George Good, Cdr. Watkins, Capt. O‟Donnell, Cdr. Kuske, Col. John
Boone U.S.M.C., V.Adm. Fletcher, Cdr. Chandler, 3/2/45 [Bronze Star]
1.87 – Photograph. V.Adm. Fletcher, Commo. Nikitin, R.Adm. Wood, R.Adm. Popov, 7/6/45
- News clipping. “Details of Cold Bay Operations Revealed.” [excerpt from The Adakian?]
1.88 – Photograph. R.Adm. Boris D. Popov, Commo. Nikitin, Lt. Krebishikev, V.Adm.
Fletcher, R.Adm. Wood
1.89 – Photograph. Commo. Nikitin, R.Adm. Boris D. Popov, Lt. Krebishikev, R.Adm. Ralph
Wood, R.Adm. John H. “Babe” Brown
1.90 – Photograph. R.Adm. Popov, V.Adm. Fletcher, Maj. Gen. John Brooks
1.91 – Photograph. Adak 28 Aug. 1945, COMNORPAC V.Adm. Fletcher‟s Mess [names of
most supplied in manuscript next to photo]
1.92 – Photograph. [Maj. Gen. John Brooks speaking]
1.93 – Photograph. XIth Air Force, Brig. Gen. Davies, Maj. Gen. Brooks, Brig. Gen. Paul
Burrows, V.Adm. Fletcher
1.94 – Photograph. Adak, 28 Aug. 1945 Flag Officers [names supplied in manuscript next to
1.95 – Photograph. V.Adm. Fletcher, Maj. Gen. John Brooks
1.96 – Photograph. Adak, Legions of Merit to XIth Air Force, Adm. Fletcher, Gen. Davis, Gen.
1.97 – Photograph. Aug. ‟45 John‟s 3 Bosses, “Starlight Cove” at Hammerhead Lodge Adak,
Gid Howd, R.Adm. Wood, V.Adm. Fletcher
1.98 – Photograph. Lt. Earlywine, Lt. Chuck March
1.99 – Photograph. 17th
/ Naval District Officers, Capt. MacKinnon, Capt. Oberholtzer, R.Adm.
Wood, Cdr. John Sinkankas
1.100 – Photograph. Commodore Robt. E. Robinson Jr., Chief of Staff NORPACFOR and
1.101 – Photograph. NOB Adak, V.Adm. Fletcher, Lt.(j.g.) Rita Hogan (NC)
1.102 – Photograph. Capt. P.C. Corning S.C., Capt. W.R. Manlove M.C.
1.103 – Photograph. Lt. Alfred “Bud” Bodding, Lt. Cdr. Al Robbins, [Sh.?] Clk. Carl Martin,
Lt. Cdr. Don Ross, Lt. Cdr. Paul Lee
1.104 – Photograph. R.Adm. Wood, V.Adm. Fletcher, Ens. Smith, Lt.(j.g.) Rita Hogan, ?, Capt.
John W. White

1.105 – Photograph. R.Adm. Wood, ?, Lt. Cdr. Mike Wingate
1.106 – Photograph. Capt. Oberholtzer, Cdr. Woodruff, Capt. MacKinnon, Lt.(j.g.) O‟Flaherty,
Ens. Smith
1.107 – Photograph. “Adak Press Club” HQ COMNORPAC Aug. 1945, J.N.R., Vicki Quamma
(Red Cross), V.Adm. Fletcher
- Memorandum. Commander North Pacific Force to Distribution List re conduct toward the
Japanese, September 6, 1945. 2 pages
- Memorandum. Flag Secretary to All Staff Yeomen. No date. 1 page
1.08 – Photograph. Aboard “Panamint,” Bronze Star, Sept. 1945, Commo. Robinson, Capt. Van
Metre, Lt. John Creigh, Geo. Good
- Certificate. Order of the Golden Dragon, John N. Rupp, no date
- Card. U.S. Navy Immunization Record, John N. Rupp, dated March 11, 1944 to September 8,
1.109 – Photograph. Adak COMNORPAC Admiral‟s Mess Hut, Wilburn, Parco, Gabuyo,
Stamps, Davis
1.110 – Photograph. U.S.S. Panamint at Ominato
1.111 – Photograph. Ominato Sept. ‟45, U.S.S. Panamint, V.Adm. Fletcher‟s Barge
-Memorandum. Plan for Receiving Japanese Emissaries on Board U.S.S. Panamint (Flagship of
Vice Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher, U.S. Navy) off Eastern Entrance of Tsugaru Straits,
September 6-7, 1945. 2 pages
1.112 – Photograph. NORPACFOR Destroyer – to Pick Up First Japanese Emissaries, Mutsu
Wan, 7 Sept. 1945
1.113 – Photograph. Ex Japanese Cruiser, Ominato Sept. ‟45, Cdr. Quinby, Cdr. McAuliffe
1.114 – Photograph. U.S.S. Panamint at Ominato Sept. ‟45, Lt. John Creigh, V.Adm. Fletcher
1.115 – Photograph. Sept. ‟45, Japanese Prison Camp for Allied P.O.W.s on Hokkaido. Plane is
a torpedo bomber from a CVE in North Pacific Force.
1.116 – Photograph. Ominato Sept. ‟45, Cdr. McAuliffe, Cdr. Quinby
1.117 – Photograph. Ominato Sept. ‟45, Sunset Mutsu Wan
1.118 – Photograph. Japanese Leaving U.S. Destroyer to go to “Panamint,” Ominato Mutsu
Wan 7 September 1945
1.119 – Photograph. [men on dock, Ominato pier?]
1.120 – Photograph. Preliminary Party of Japanese Officers at Ominato Pier
1.121 – Photograph. Coming to U.S.S. Panamint at Ominato in Mutsu Wan on 7 September
1945, Lt.(j.g.) Montgomery, Japanese Rear Admiral Kanome, Chief of Staff Ominato Guard
District, Sgt. Mihara
1.122 – Photograph. [Ominato train station]

1.123 – Photograph. [four Japanese men outside a wooden building]
1.124 – Photograph. Watching approach of Japanese preliminary emissaries. Admiral Fletcher
did not receive them and did not see them until the formal surrender on 9 September. 7 Sept.
‟45, Comdr. H.D. Quinby Exec. Officer USS Panamint, V.Adm. Fletcher, Lt. Hoover First
Lieut. USS Panamint
1.125 – Photograph. [Ominato waterfront?]
1.126 – Photograph. [grass skirts hanging outside wooden building, Ominato?]
1.127 – Photograph. 7 Sept. Japanese Rear Admiral Densuke Kanome
1.128 – Photograph. 7 Sept. 1945, In Wardroom of USS Panamint
1.129 – Photograph. [two young children on town street, Ominato?]
1.130 – Photograph. [U.S. serviceman standing next to stone pillar with Japanese sign,
1.131 – Photograph. 7 Sept. ‟45, First Japanese Emissaries in Wardroom on U.S.S. Panamint
1.132 – Photograph. [temple, Ominato?]
1.133 – Photograph. [temple, Ominato?]
1.134 – Photograph. Ship‟s Officers, NORPAC Staff Officers, and correspondents in wardroom
of U.S.S. Panamint, John Povalaitis Y2C
1.135 – Photograph. [dragon statue, Ominato?]
1.136 – Photograph. [Japanese man and woman in traditional dress on a street, Ominato?]
1.137 – Photograph. 7 Sept. ‟45, Capt. Van Metre, Commo. Robinson, Capt. Weiss, Cdr. Kuske
1.138 – Photograph. [two Japanese on a street, Ominato?]
1.139 – Photograph. Corporal Brown at a shop in Ominato
1.140 – Photograph. 7 Sept. ‟45, Capt. Wm. Ammon, Cdr. H.D. Quinby, Capt. Van Metre,
Commo. Robinson
1.141 – Photograph. [Cpl. Brown and Japanese man at temple, Ominato?]
1.142 – Photograph. [Japanese woman in traditional dress on street, Ominato?]
1.143 – Photograph. Reading preliminary terms
1.144 – Photograph. [Japanese women and children on beach, Ominato?]
1.145 – Photograph. [young Japanese girl carrying umbrella and baby on a street, Ominato?]
1.146 – Photograph. 7 Sept. ‟45, Japanese Rear Admiral Accepting Preliminary Terms Before
Leaving Ship on 7 Sept.
1.147 – Photograph. 7 Sept. Japanese Lt. Cdr. Okuma Pointing Out Anchorages and Mine
Fields in Harbor
1.148 – Photograph. Following the preliminaries on 7 Sept. 1945 the formal surrender took
place aboard PANAMINT on 9 Sept. Captains of vessels in the force attended [names of those
in front row supplied]

- Typescript. Guests Aboard U.S.S. Panamint for “Surrender Ceremonies” (Flag Secretary‟s
Guess), September 10, 1945. 2 pages
- Telegram. COMNORPAC to All Ships Present This Area, September 14, 1945. 1 sheet
- Telegram. CINCPAC LIASON to CINCPAC/POA HQ Pearl and ADVHQ, September 19,
1945. 1 sheet
1.149 – Photograph. USS Panamint 9 Sept. 1945, Formal Surrender, Visiting Officers, Staff, &
Ship‟s Company. Waiting
1.150 – Photograph. Japanese Arrive, Cdr. Quinby
1.151 – Photograph. [aboard USS Panamint, September 9, 1945]
1.152 – Photograph. Cdr. McAuliffe, Cdr. Kuske
1.153 – Photograph. Commo. Robinson, with 2 interpreters, tells Japs, Capt. Van Metre
1.154 – Photograph. R.Adm. Kanome, V.Adm. Ugaki
1.155 – Photograph. V.Adm. Fletcher comes on quarterdeck, J.N.R.
1.156 – Photograph. V.Adm. Fletcher tells Japanese, Tiny Buntin
1.157 – Photograph. [aboard USS Panamint, September 9, 1945]
1.158 – Photograph. We return Japanese salute, R.Adm. Brown, R.Adm. Denebrink, R.Adm.
Litch, Capt. Taylor
1.159 – Photograph. Sgt. Mihara interprets
1.160 – Photograph. Commo. Robinson reads surrender terms
1.161 – Photograph. Japanese follow the reading
1.162 – Photograph. M. Kanai Governor Aomori Prefecture, Lt. Gen.
1.163 – Photograph. [Japanese signing surrender documents]
1.164 – Photograph. [aboard USS Panamint, September 9, 1945]
1.165 – Photograph. Japanese receipt for the order
1.166 – Photograph. The Japanese leave the ship, 9 Sept. „45
1.167 – Photograph. Capt. W.J. Suits, USS Pensacola leaves the ship, 9 Sept.
1.168 – Photograph. R.Adm. F.C. Denebrink COMCRUDIV 5
1.169 – Photograph. Capt. Abercrombie, USS Chester
1.170 – Photograph. Letter of Commendation, Sgt. Wada, Commo. Robinson, Lt.(j.g.) Hobbs,
Aboard Panamint Oct. 1945
1.171 – Photograph. Letter of Commendation, Sgt. Mihara, Lt.(j.g.) Hobbs, Commo. Robinson,
USS Panamint, Adak Oct. „45
- Publication. United States Naval Emergency Occupation, Ominato Guard District Area.
September 9, 1945. 8 leaves
- Publication. Panamint-Makes-The-News. Vol. 3, no. 24, Saturday 8 September 1945, reprints:
excerpts. 12 leaves
Page titled in manuscript: A Few Messages from the Japanese

- Telegram. Japanese Shore Station to COMNORPAC, September 11, 1945. 1 sheet
-Telegram. Commandant Ominato Naval District to COMNORPAC, September 13, 1945. 1
- Telegram. RDO Ominato to Panamint, September 14, 1945. 1 sheet
- Telegram. Ominato Guard Dept. to Panamint (COMNORPAC), September 14, 1945. 1 sheet
- Telegram. Ominato RDO to Panamint, September 15, 1945. 1 sheet
- Telegram. Japanese Shore Station to USS Panamint, September 17, 1945. 1 sheet
-Memorandum. Commander North Pacific Force to John Rupp, September 16, 1945, re
temporary additional duty. 1 page
- Form. “Where Are You?” Imperial Hotel Tokyo, blank. 1 sheet
- Memorandum. Commander North Pacific Force to John Rupp, September 19, 1945, re
temporary additional duty. 1 page
- Sticker. Imperial Hotel Tokyo Japan
- Paper currency. Ten centavos, The Japanese Government
- Paper currency. Ten sen, military currency
- Map. Yokosuka Naval Base, no date. 1 folded sheet
- Sticker. Imperial Hotel Tokyo Japan
1.172 – Photograph. U.S.S. Panamint, Flagship Vice Adm. Fletcher, COMNORPAC, entering
Women‟s Bay, Kodiak, 5 Oct. 1945
-Typescript. U.S.S. Panamint (AGC-13) Plan of the Day, October 10, 1945. 1 page
- Typescript. Roster of Officers, North Pacific Force and Area, October 1, 1945. 2 pages
1.173 – Photograph. Kodiak, Oct. 5, 1945, V.Adm. Fletcher inspects the guard, Maj. Griswold,
V.Adm. Fletcher, Capt. Lyons, J.N.R.
1.174 – Photograph. NORPACFOR Change of Command – Aboard USS Panamint at Kodiak
10/10/45, V.Adm. Frank Jack Fletcher comes aboard
- Clipping. “Alaska Naval Head Shifted.”
1.175 – Photograph. U.S.S. Panamint, Kodiak, 10/10/45, R.Adm. Ralph Wood & Al Robbins
come aboard
1.176 – Photograph. U.S.S. Panamint, Kodiak, 10/10/45, COMNORPAC Change of Command,
staff and ship‟s company, Cdr. Loucks, Cdr. McAuliffe, Lt. Cdr. McNamara, Lt. Cdr. Hanson
1.177 – Photograph. Legion of Merit, 10/10/45, Rear Adm. Wood, Vice Adm. Fletcher,
Commo. Robinson, Lt.(j.g.) Rupp
1.178 – Photograph. Legion of Merit, 10/10/45, Commo. Robinson, Vice Adm. Fletcher,
Lt.(j.g.) Rupp

1.179 – Photograph. Legion of Merit Medals. R.Adm. Wood, Commo. Robinson, Capt.
1.180 – Photograph. Bronze Star, Loren Kuske
1.181 – Photograph. Bronze Star, Cliff Armstrong
1.182 – Photograph. Bronze Star Medal, 10/10/45, Lt.(j.g.) Rupp, R.Adm. Wood, Vice Adm.
Fletcher, Capt. J.S. MacKinnon
- Memorandum. Commander North Pacific Force to Secretary of the Navy, October 10, 1945,
re award of bronze star medal to John Rupp. 2 pages
1.183 – Photograph. V.Adm. Fletcher reads his orders, Kodiak, 10/10/45
1.184 – Photograph. R.Adm Wood reads his orders, Kodiak, 10/10/45
- Memorandum. Commander North Pacific Force to John Rupp, October 10, 1945, re change of
duty. 1 page
1.185 – Photograph. Kodiak 9 Oct. ‟45, Capt. Ammon, V.Adm. Fletcher, Capt. Lockhart, Capt.
Lyons, Commo. Robinson, Capt. White, Capt. MacKinnon, R.Adm. Wood, Lt. Col. Piper, Cdr.
Kuske, Capt. Van Metre
1.186 – Photograph. [Kodiak, October 9, 1945? Military personnel seated at table in hall]
1.187 – Photograph. Kodiak 9 Oct. ‟45, Lt. Cliff Armstrong, Lt. Cdr. A.C. Robbins Jr., Lt. Cdr.
Joel Reed, Lt. Cdr. Fred Machetanz, Lt.(j.g.) Rupp, Cdr. Geo. Good, Pillow, Davis
1.188 – Photograph. JNR, Geo. Good, Fred Machetanz, Joe Reed, Cliff Armstrong, Al Robbins
1.189 – Photograph. Kodiak 9 Oct. ‟45, Commo. Robinson, Capt. Van Metre, R.Adm. Wood,
Capt. John M. White
1.190 – Photograph. Kodiak, Capt. John White, Cdr. Geo. Good, Lt.(j.g.) John Rupp, V.Adm.
Fletcher, Capt. Merle Van Metre, Commo. Robert E. Robinson, Capt. J.S. MacKinnon
1.191 – Photograph. Staff COM 17 Oct. 1, 1945 [names provided in manuscript below photo]
- Typescript correspondence. John Rupp to Admiral, October 15, 1945. 2 pages
1.192 – Photograph. 10 1/2 ft. Kodiak Bear Skin
1.193 – Photograph. Kodiak, C.D. Van Dyke, Tom Chandler
1.194 – Photograph. COM 17 – Admin Plane, R.Adm. Wood, Capt. Lyons, Capt. MacKinnon
1.195 – Photograph. L.Cdr. Robbins, R.Adm. Wood
1.196 – Photograph. [two military personnel seated at table in airplane]

1.197 – Photograph. Kodiak, Ole Sand
1.198 – Photograph. Raspberry Straits north of Kodiak Island [postcard reproduction]
1.199 – Photograph. Russian Church, Kodiak, Alaska [postcard reproduction]
1.200 – Photograph. Kodiak, Alaska [postcard reproduction]
1.201 – Photograph. Kodiak, Alaska [postcard reproduction]
1.202 – Photograph. Kodiak, Alaska [postcard reproduction]
- Memorandum. Commander North Pacific Force to John Rupp, October 24, 1945, re
temporary additional duty. 1 page
- Card. Temporary membership, Elks Club, Juneau Lodge No. 420, October 25, 1945
- Ticket. Governor‟s House, Juneau, Alaska [with name of John Rupp in manuscript]
- Invitation. Governor and Mrs. Gruening to Lt. Rupp, October 27, [1945?]
- Memorandum. Commandant Seventeenth Naval District to John Rupp, November 6, 1945, re
temporary additional duty. 3 pages
- Ticket. Army-Navy at Municipal Stadium, Philadelphia, Pa., Saturday December 1, 1945
- Map. The Way to Araby [“Vice Admiral Fletcher‟s Home” supplied in manuscript]
1.203 – Photograph. HQ COM 17 Kodiak, December 1945, Lt.(j.g.) Rupp, Ens. G.W. Freise,
S.1/C. C. Meyer
- Telegram. DEF COM FAIR WING 4 to COM FAIR DEF at Kodiak, November 2, 1945, re
why were planes cleared in unfavorable weather
1.204 – Photograph. HQ COM 17 Kodiak, Nov. 1945, Board for Post-War Base Plans, Lt. Col.
Henry Massie USMC, Cdr. John Sinkankas, Capt. Drew, R.Adm. Wood, Capt. P.C. Corning,
Capt. O.R. Sandquist, John Kocur Y.1/C
1.205 – Photograph. Ft. Richardson, Anchorage
1.206 – Photograph. Kodiak, Marine Corps‟ 170th Anniversary, W.O. “Smitty,” R.Adm. Wood,
Lt. Col. Henry Massie, Capt. Doc Lyons
1.207 – Invitation. Commissioned Officer‟s Mess Naval Air Station Kodiak Open House,
January 27 [1945? With photograph of snowy lane]
- Memorandum. Commandant Seventeenth Naval District to John Rupp, January 24, 1946, re
release from active duty. 1 page
- Memorandum. Officer-in-Charge to John Rupp, February 4, 1946, re release from active duty.
1 page
- Memorandum. Commanding Officer U.S. Naval Officer Separation Center, to John Rupp,
February 5, 1946, re release from active duty. 1 page
- Typescript correspondence. Frank Jack Fletcher to John Rupp, April 1, 1947. 1 page
- Typescript correspondence. Chesley G. Meyer to John Rupp, December 7, 1947. 1 page
- Typescript correspondence. Copy. John Rupp to Chesley G. Meyer, December 13, 1947

- Memorandum. H.B. Jones Jr. to Messrs. Dolittle, Botzer, Hill and Rupp, June 15, 1949. 1
- Typescript correspondence. Notice of Meeting, Naval Reserve Volunteer Law Unit 13-1, June
22, 1949. 1 page
1.208 – Christmas card. Nate Fitts. No date [with photograph of cabin and mountain]
- Card. Commissioned Officers‟ Mess U.S. Naval Station, Seattle, Washington, Associate
Member, September 4, 1946
- Card. Commissioned Officers‟ Mess Naval Air Station, Seattle, Washington, Associate
Membership, September 9, 1946
- Business card. Carl R. Schenker
- Card. Announcement of opening of firm Von Rosenvinge & Hartnett, January 2, 1947
- Card. Announcement of opening of office of Charles Douglas VanDyck, Jr.
- Card. Announcement of addition of members of firm Warner, Norcross & Judd, January 1,
- Typescript correspondence. Frank Jack Fletcher to John Rupp, August 27, 1951. 1 page
1.209 – Christmas card. Frances and Carl Schenker and Carl Jr., Christmas 1950 [with
photograph of Carl Jr.]
1.210 – Christmas card. Bill Dirks, Susan, Sandy, and Richard, 1951 [with group portrait
photograph of family]
- Memorandum. Secretary of the Navy to John Rupp, July 10, 1952, re acceptance of
resignation from the U.S. Naval Reserve. 1 page
[Laid in to scrapbook]
1.211 – Photograph. Commodore Robert Robinson, Chief of Staff for Commodore Fletcher,
October 3, 1945
1.212 – Photograph. Adak 1945, Commo. Robinson Ch. of Staff NORPACFOR, Vice Adm.
Frank Jack Fletcher COMNORPAC, Peggy, Rear Adm. Ralph Wood COM 17

Series 2: The Adakian cartoons 1945
- Binder containing 202 cartoons clipping from The Adakian

- Loose cartoons (25) clipped from The Adakian

Series 3: U.S. Navy photographs
3.1 – Photograph. Peggy [three Russian officers, including Rear Adm. Popov, at Adak, July 6,
3.2 – Photograph. Anti-aircraft trainer, R.Adm. Popov [July 6, 1945]
3.3 – Photograph. [Russian officers at Adak, July 6, 1945]
3.4 – Photograph. [Russian officers at Adak, July 6, 1945]
3.5 – Photograph. [Vice Adm. Fletcher greeting Russian officers, July 6, 1945]

3.6 – Photograph. [Vice Adm. Fletcher and another officer with war bond, COMNORPAC
COM 17, Adak, November 30, 1943]
3.7 – Photograph. X-10 being towed from sandbar by Y-60, Jun 1945 [COMNORPAC COM
17, Adak]
3.8 – Photograph. Vice Admiral Fletcher and Rear Admiral Reeves, 4 Jan. 1943
3.9 – Photograph. Admiral Fletcher and Admiral Reeves with other officers, 4 Jan. 1943
3.10 – Photograph. [Navy officers stopped on road with convoy, COMNORPAC COM 17,
Adak, circa 1943-45]
3.11 – Photograph. [Navy officers standing on road, COMNORPAC COM 17, Adak, circa
3.12 – Photograph. Lt. Bob Hartmann, Capt. Merle Van Metre [COMNORPAC COM 17,
Adak, circa 1943-45]
3.13 – Photograph. Peggy, Vice Adm. Fletcher [COMNORPAC COM 17, Adak, circa 1943-
3.14 – Photograph. R.Adm. Ralph Wood, V.Adm. Frank Jack Fletcher, October 11, 1944
3.15 – Photograph. [Interior of officer‟s mess in Quonset hut, COMNORPAC COM 17, Adak,
circa 1943-45]
3.16 – Photograph. [Portrait of Vice Admiral Fletcher smoking pipe, COMNORPAC COM 17,
Adak, circa 1943-45]
3.17 – Photograph. Woodshed, Adak, Christmas 1944, Al Robbins, Carl Schenker, R.Adm.
Wood, Capt. Jim McKinnon [COMNORPAC COM 17, Adak]
3.18 – Photograph. Fl. Air Wing 4, Cdr. Jesse Underhill, R.Adm. Ralph Wood, Commodore
Leslie Gehres [COMNORPAC COM 17, Adak, circa 1943-45]
3.19 – Photograph. Living room, Adm. Wood‟s quarters, Adak [COMNORPAC COM 17,
Adak, circa 1943-45]
3.20 – Photograph. [Interior of Adm. Wood‟s quarters, COMNORPAC COM 17, Adak, circa
3.21 – Photograph. [Interior of Adm. Wood‟s quarters, COMNORPAC COM 17, Adak, circa
3.22 – Photograph. Adak, Finger Bay [COMNORPAC COM 17, circa 1943-45]
3.23 – Photograph. Adak. [Photograph signed by Martha O‟Driscoll and Errol Flynn.
COMNORPAC COM 17, Adak, December 23, 1943?]
3.23a – Photograph. Martha O‟Driscoll at Adak [COMNORPAC COM 17, December 23,
3.24 – Photograph. Brooks River [Admiral Fletcher fishing, Kodiak, circa 1945-46]
3.25 – Photograph. Admiral Fletcher hiking in woods, Kodiak, Jun 1945
3.26 – Photograph. [Admiral Fletcher holding string of fish, Kodiak, circa 1945-46]
3.27 – Photograph. [Admiral Fletcher outside log cabin with sign for U.S. Dept. of the Interior
Fish and Wildlife Service, Kodiak, circa 1945-46]
3.28 – Photograph. [Unidentified river, Kodiak, circa 1945-46]
3.29 – Photograph. [Unidentified river, Kodiak, circa 1945-46]
3.30 – Photograph. Vice Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher receives honors upon arriving at the
Naval Air Station, Kodiak, Alaska, 5 October 1945 [stepping out of car with dog Peggy]

3.31 – Photograph. Vice Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher receives honors upon arriving at the
Naval Air Station, Kodiak, Alaska, 5 October 1945 [Fletcher reviewing troops]

3.32 – Photograph. R.Adm. Wood, Lt.(j.g.) Rupp, V.Adm. Fletcher, Lt. Cdr. Robbins,
presenting Legion of Merit medal, 10/10/45 [Adak]
3.33 – Photograph. Legion of Merit, Commo. Robinson, V.Adm. Fletcher, Lt.(j.g.) Rupp
[October 10, 1945]
3.34 – Photograph. V.Adm. Fletcher presents Legion of Merit medal to Commo. Robinson
[October 10, 1945]
3.35 – Photograph. Commo. Robinson, R.Adm. Wood, V.Adm. Fletcher [October 10, 1945]
3.36 – Photograph. [Rear Admiral Wood at Legion of Merit ceremony, October 10, 1945]
3.37 – Photograph. [Rear Admiral Wood at Legion of Merit ceremony, October 10, 1945]
3.38 – Photograph. [Rear Admiral Wood at Legion of Merit ceremony, October 10, 1945]
3.39 – Photograph. [Vice Admiral Fletcher at Legion of Merit ceremony, October 10, 1945]
3.40 – Photograph. Joe Reed
3.41 – Photograph. Joe Reed
3.42 – Photograph. Loren Kuske
3.43 – Photograph. Loren Kuske
3.44 – Photograph. Joe Reed, Capt. Van Metre, Loren Kuske
3.45 – Photograph. Capt. Van Metre
3.46 – Photograph. Capt. Van Metre
3.47 – Photograph. [Admiral Wood, Peggy, Admiral Fletcher, and Commodore Robinson?,
Kodiak? Circa 1945-46?]
3.48 – Photograph. Kodiak Oct. 9, 1945, Capt. Lyons, V.Adm. Fletcher, Capt. MacKinnon, Lt.
Machetanz, Commo. Robinson
3.49 – Photograph. [Vice Admiral Fletcher with other officers, possibly Fletcher‟s quarters at
Kodiak, circa 1945-46]
3.50 – Photograph. [Vice Admiral Fletcher and Commodore Robinson with Peggy and other
officers, Kodiak? Circa 1945-46?]
3.51 – Photograph. [Mess hall? Kodiak? Circa 1945-46?]
3.52 – Photograph. [Group portrait, women and Naval personnel, possibly mess hall in Kodiak,
3.53 – Photograph. [Admiral Wood conducting a staff meeting, Kodiak? Circa 1945-46?]
3.54 – Photograph. Legion of Merit to General Brooks and General Davies of XIth Air Force,
Adak, Oct. 1945, Brig. Gen Burrows, J.N.R., Maj. Gen. Brooks, V.Adm. Fletcher, Brig. Gen.
Davies, Commo. Robinson
3.55 – Photograph. [Legion of Merit, XIth Air Force Generals, Adak, October 1945]
3.56 – Photograph. [Legion of Merit, XIth Air Force Generals, Adak, October 1945]
3.57 – Photograph. [Legion of Merit, XIth Air Force Generals, Adak, October 1945]
3.58 – Photograph. [Legion of Merit, XIth Air Force Generals, Adak, October 1945]
3.59 – Photograph. [Japanese surrendering at Ominato, September 7, 1945, boarding ship]
3.60 – Photograph. Japs coming to Panamint for preliminary conference. The one closest to the
camera is a Lt. Comdr. 7 September 1945
3.61 – Photograph. [Japanese surrendering at Ominato, September 7, 1945, consulting nautical

3.62 – Photograph. Lt.(j.g.) Mooney [Japanese surrendering at Ominato, September 7, 1945,
seated at table with U.S. Navy officers]
3.63 – Photograph. Preliminary conference. Capt. Van Metre, Commo. Robinson, Capt. Weiss
talk to the Japs. The middle Jap is a Rear Admiral. The man in the dark shirt in the background
is Capt. Ammon of the Panamint, 7 Sept. 1945, U.S.S. Panamint
3.64 – Photograph. [Japanese surrendering at Ominato, September 7, 1945, consulting nautical

Series 4: Personal photographs
4.1 – Photograph. Adm. Wood, Capt. Lyons, Capt. MacKinnon [aboard airplane]
4.2 – Photograph. [Military personnel seated in airplane]
4.3 – Photograph. Tom Chandler, Kodiak [standing outside Ft. Greely Ski Chalet]
4.4 – Photograph. Lt. Jack R. Morehead, Lt. Cdr. S. Giddings Howd, Lt. Leroy H. Civille
4.5 – Photograph. Morehead, Howd, Civille
4.6 – Photograph. The snow, they say, had drifted pretty high when this was taken. Tunnels
were necessary in spots [Comalsec Staff Offices]
4.7 – Photograph. Candid shot of icicles on their native heath
4.8 – Photograph. [Two men on skis]
4.9 – Photograph. Another unidentified citizen, but it‟s the same old drifted snow. The baseball
cap type of hat is a great favorite with enlisted men
4.10 – Photograph. The wind blows the snow off the rocks in the more rugged areas; hence the
leprous effect
4.11 – Photograph. Winter 1943-44 [Quonset hut]
4.12 – Photograph. There is a valley just over the edge of the level spot in the foreground. You
can see a corner of a bay „way off at the left and a long way down. Those depressions in the
snow on the far side of the bay are stream beds [man in foreground]
4.13 – Photograph. [Man sits on railing with base buildings in background]
4.14 – Photograph. Winter scene. The lake is, I believe, Lake Betty. Of all things [man in
4.15 – Photograph. Most of our jeeps have “home made” (by Seabees) enclosed bodies. The
reason is, I take it, readily ascertainable
4.16 – Photograph. The snow has a tendency to drift. Last year we were Comalsec. Now we are
Comseventeen. But the entrance is the same beat up old doorway
4.17 – Photograph. [Man shoveling in front of building entrance]
4.18 – Photograph. Winter scene – “stream, with huts.” In some exposed regions the huts are
half buried in the ground. Ours are built a little off the ground, but they don‟t blow away very
often [two men on stream bank]
4.19 – Photograph. More unknown skiers. Hardly an interesting picture; even the sky is white
4.20 – Photograph. 1943-44 Winter. Behold Castillo, the faun, throwing a snowball which may
be seen in the air in front of the right-hand hut. The man on the far left is Roy Civille with
whom I work
4.21 – Photograph. [Man on snowy ridgeline]
4.22 – Photograph. Mountains everywhere
4.23 – Photograph. Huts usually leak around the windows and stove pipes. Sometimes the wind
tears the iron roofs off and sending them spinning down wind

4.24 – Photograph. [Mountains in summer]
4.25 – Photograph. [Glacier]
4.26 – Photograph. [Mountains in summer]
4.27 – Photograph. [River in summer]
4.28 – Photograph. [Dirt road through trees]
4.29 – Photograph. [Dirt road through trees, autumn]
4.30 – Photograph. [Mountain in summer]
4.31 – Photograph. [Mountains in summer]
4.32 – Photograph. [Wooded mountains in summer]
4.33 – Photograph. V.Adm. Fletcher, Lt.(j.g.) Rita Hogan
4.34 – Photograph. Cdr. Robt. R. Dewolfe, Lt.(j.g.) L. O‟Flaherty, Ens. Smith, Cdr. Jesse

4.35 – Photograph. V.Adm. Fletcher, R.Adm. Martin, Lt.(j.g.) Lavada O‟Flaherty
4.36 – Photograph. Lt. Comdr. A.C. Robbins, Jr.
4.37 – Photograph. The Sports Shop, clothing & small stores
4.38 – Photograph. Montgomery & Wards, Commissary
4.39 – Photograph. NOB Adak
4.40 – Photograph. [NOB Adak]
4.41 – Photograph. [NOB Adak, Anti-Aircraft Gunnery Trainer, Village Gymnasium, [?] Store
4.42 – Photograph. School bus
4.43 – Photograph. Trans Pacific Docks [with NOB Office Messenger and Guard Mail Center]
4.44 – Photograph. Road from Finger Bay
4.45 – Photograph. [Finger Bay, Ship Repair Office and other buildings]
4.46 – Photograph. [Commissary, Adak]
4.47 – Photograph. [NOB Adak]
4.48 – Photograph. Rock Crusher Hill, Adak
4.49 – Photograph. [Rock Crusher Hill, Adak]
4.50 – Photograph. [Two vehicles on dirt road, Adak]
4.51 – Photograph. Civic Center [Dirt road, Adak]
4.52 – Photograph. De Soucy Auto Court [Quonset huts, Adak]
4.53 – Photograph. Finger Bay Ship Repair Area
4.54 – Photograph. Vice Adm. F.J. Fletcher [speaking at ceremony in cemetery, Adak]
4.55 – Photograph. [Group of officers standing in cemetery, Adak]
4.56 – Photograph. [Group of officers standing in cemetery, Adak]
4.57 – Photograph. [flag, crosses, and assembled officers in cemetery, Adak]
4.58 – Photograph. [Troops assembled in post cemetery, Adak]
4.59 – Photograph. [Troops assembled in post cemetery, Adak]
4.60 – Photograph. [Troops assembled in post cemetery, Adak]
4.61 – Photograph. [Troops assembled in post cemetery, Adak]
4.62 – Photograph. Adak Post Cemetery Memorial Day 1944
4.63 – Photograph. [Japanese surrendering at Ominato, 1945]
4.64 – Photograph. [Japanese surrendering at Ominato, 1945]
4.65 – Photograph. V.Adm. Fletcher, By Wrigley, Margaret Richards, Rita Hogan, Bill Boyhan

4.66 – Photograph. Rita Hogan, Como. Robinson, Margaret Richards, V.Adm. Fletcher, Chuck
March, Levada O‟Flaherty
4.67 – Photograph. Kuluk Bay, Chuck March, Levada O‟Flaherty, Bill Boyhan, (backs to
camera) Margaret Richards, Rita Hogan, V.Adm. Fletcher
4.68 – Photograph. Adak, V.Adm. Fletcher‟s Qtrs. Dining Room
4.69 – Photograph. Enquitio Parco CCk

Series 5: Manuscript materials
- Memorandum. From John Rupp to Carl Schenker, May 10, 1945. 1 page, with excerpt relating
to the discipline of Reserve officers
- Memorandum. John Rupp to Carl Schenker, June 11, 1945. 1 page, with excerpts relating to
discipline for drunkenness
- Typescript correspondence. Copy. John Rupp to Lieutenant Gehlert, October 12, 1945, re
account settlement. 1 page, with 21 enclosures dated January 12, 1944 to October 12, 1945
- Typescript. Specification of offenses preferred against Terry C. Pierce (532-903) Seaman,
Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard Reserve, October 25, 1944. 1 page, with 14 pages of
manuscript notes
-Typescript. Specifications of offenses preferred against Charles L. Davis, Seaman First Class,
U.S. Naval Reserve, December 30, 1944. 2 pages, with 9 pages of manuscript notes
- Typescript. Fifteenth Day, [Court], U.S. Naval Operating Base, Adak, July 11, 1945, re trial
pertaining to fire aboard Ogeechee while in ship repair at Finger Bay. 14 pages
-Typescript. Specifications of an offense preferred against Charles Forrest Officer, Junior, chief
boatswain‟s mate, acting appointment (temporary), United States Navy, January 27, 1945. 1
page, with 10 pages of manuscript notes

- Program. Navy Day Rally, Juneau, Alaska, 27 October 1945. 1 sheet
- Invitation. Governor and Mrs. Gruening to Rear Admiral Wood, October 27 [1945?]
- Clipping. “Correspondent‟s Eye View of the Aleutians,” Morning Press, Kodiak, November
9, 1945
- Telegram. COMNORPAC to All Ships Present CINCPAC ADV, September 9, 1945, re
Japanese surrender. 3 pages
- Telegram. COMDESDIV 114 to COMNORPAC, September 7, 1945, re Japanese emissaries.
1 page
- Telegram. COMNORPAC to CINCPAC ADV, September 8, 1945, re entrance into Mutsu
Bay. 2 pages
- Telegram. COMNORPAC to All Ships Present NOB Kodiak COM 17, October 9, 1945, re
Wood relieving Fletcher. 1 page
- Telegram. CINCPAC/POA Advance HED, September 18, 1945, re assignment to U.S. 5th
Fleet. 2 pages
- Program. Memorial Service for President Roosevelt, April 15, 1945. 1 sheet
- Register. Combined Roster for Commander North Pacific Force and Staff; Headquarters 17th
Naval District; Commander Naval Air Bases 17th Naval District, November 1, 1945. 4 pages
- Newspaper. Morning Press, Kodiak, vol. 1, no. 15, November 9, 1945. 3 pages
- Typescript. COM Seventeen Staff Officers Bridge Tournament, July 1945. 2 pages

- Register. Roster of Officers, Headquarters, Seventeenth Naval District, c/o F.P.O., Seattle,
Washington, December 1, 1945. 7 pages
- Register. Roster of Officers, Headquarters, Seventeenth Naval District, c/o F.P.O., Seattle,
Washington, October 1, 1944. 6 pages
- Newspaper. Kodiak Mirror, Kodiak, vol. 5, no. 33, October 13, 1945. 12 pages
- Clipping. Cartoon “WXLB – Second Anniversary,” The Adakian, Adak, April 25, 1945
- Clipping. “Rapid Demobilization in 17th Naval District.” No date
- Program. Take A Break! No date
- Memorandum. Com Seventeen Staff Officers‟ Mess Committee to All Members, March 29,
1945, re March celebration. 1 page
- Typescript. Staff Officers COM 17 Bridge Tournament Contract Type Rules. 1 page
- Typescript. Poem, “Battle Without Guns.”
- Calendar. 1945. 1 page
- Memorandum. North Pacific Force and Area Headquarters of the Commander to All Hands,
August 14, 1945, re Japanese surrender. 1 page
- Newspaper. Morning Press, Kodiak, January 21, 1946. 1 page
- Calendar. 1945, 17th Naval District. 14 pages
- Report. “USS Panamint (AGC-13) Hokkaido and Northern Honshu,” September 1945. 10
- Report. “United States Naval Emergency Occupation, Ominato Guard District Area,”
September 9, 1945. 10 pages
- Memorandum. Executive Officer‟s Memorandum No. 226-45 to All Hands, September 4,
1945, re mission of the Panamint. 1 page
- Memorandum. North Pacific Force and Area Headquarters of the Commander to Officers and
enlisted men attached to Commander North Pacific Force, August 26, 1945, re transfer to the
U.S.S. Panamint. 2 pages
- Memorandum. CINPAC/CINCPOA to ALPOA, November 24, 1945, re Nimitz relieved of
command. 1 page

Series 6: Autobiography
- Autobiography. The War and I and other topics: World War II reminiscences & miscellany : a
collection of writings by John N. Rupp. Seattle, Washington: [The Author], [1991]. 98, [12], 5,
[2], 13, 5, [4], 5 pages

Guide written: Nov. 18, 2011