
1972, September 27 Stauter

Photographs of southeastern Alaska scenes, including Fort Wrangell, Totems, Davidson
Glacier, Muir Glacier, Glacier Bay, Taku Glacier, and Tlingit Merchants.

Donated. Stauter, Dorothy. 630 8th
/ Avenue. Anchorage, AK.

18 Photos. 1 Postcard. 2 Books.

Stauter B72.67

Scope and Contents

The Stauter collection consists of photographs of Fort Wrangell, Totems,
Davidson Glacier, Muir Glacier, Glacier Bay, Taku Glacier, and Tlingit Merchants.
Also in the collection are two books, a cook book, and a booklet titled “For the Baby”.
The photographs in the collection were taken by La Roche. The collection is housed in
the photo file collection. Please see photo list for specific photograph information.

Donated. Stauter, Dorothy. Anchorage, AK. 2003 SLL

18 Photos. 1 Postcard. 2 Books.

Stauter B72.67

Item List


B72.67.1 Book Pioneer cook book, 1966 Unable to Locate
B72.67.2 Booklet: For the baby Unable to Locate
B72.67.3 postcard of Happy Jack and his wife Unable to Locate

B72.67.4 Totems (Haida) at Kassaan, B&W 4.5 x 7.5* Kasaan
B72.67.5 Whale Totem, Fort Wrangle B&W 4.5 x 7.5 Wrangell
B72.67.6 Sunset over Davidson Glacier B&W 4.5 x 7.5 Glacier – Alaska
B72.67.7 Muir Glacier from “Queen” B&W 4.5 x 7.5* Muir Glacier
B72.67.8 Floating Ice Berg in Glacier Bay B&W 5.5 x 7.5 Glacier Bay
B72.67.9 Floating Ice Berg in Glacier Bay B&W 5.5 x 7.5 Glacier Bay
B72.67.10 Sunset at Sitka B&W 4.5 x 7.5 Sitka
B72.67.11 Sunset at Sitka B&W 4.5 x 7.5 Sitka
B72.67.12 Tlingit Merchants at Treadwell Mines B&W 4.5 x 7.5
Tlingit Indians
B72.67.13 Evening at Wrangle B&W 4.5 x 7.5 Wrangell
B72.67.14 Evening at Wrangle B&W 4.5 x 7.5 Wrangell
B72.67.15 Taku Glacier B&W 7 x 9 Taku Glacier
B72.67.16 Taku Glacier B&W 7 x 9 Taku Glacier
B72.67.17 Taku Glacier B&W 7 x 9 Taku Glacier
B72.67.18 Crevasse in Muir Glacier, over 200 ft. B&W 9 x 7* Muir Glacier
B72.67.19 Muir Glacier B&W 7 x 9 Muir Glacier
B72.67.20 Muir Glacier B&W 7 x 9* Muir Glacier
B72.67.21 Even tide at Ft. Wrangle B&W 8 x 13 Map 4 -3

*Has Negative