
1971, December 17 U.S. Army 71.56

Photographs, 1971, photographs of President Nixon and Hiro Hito’s visit to Anchorage in
September 1971.

Donated. Headquarters – USARAL. Office of the Info. Officer. APO Seattle, 98749

18 Photos.

Army B71.56

Scope and Contents

This collection consists of photographs from President Nixon and Hiro Hito’s
visit to Anchorage in 1971 at Elmendorf. Photographs include crowd scenes, Emperor
Hiro Hito with the Princess and Japanese dignitaries, President and Mrs. Nixon, Nixon
shaking hands with Emperor Hiro Hito, Senator Stevens with Governor Egan and Mrs.
Egan, and the U.S. Air Force band. The collection is housed in the photo file collection
under Nixon, Richard M., President, U.S., 1968-1974. Please see photo list for specific
photograph information.

Donated. Headquarters – USARAL. Office of the Info. Officer. APO Seattle. 2003 SLL

18 Photos.

Army B71.56

Photo List

B71.56.1 Inside hangar of Elmendorf B&W 8 x 10 Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.2 Crowd at “A” frame watching for
President & Emperor
B&W 8 x 10 Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.3 Emperor Hiro Hito B&W 8x 10 Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.4 Senator Stevens, Governor Egan, Mrs.
Egan at airport awaiting president’s plane
B&W 8 x 10 Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.5 President Nixon, Mrs. Nixon awaiting
Emperor Hiro Hito’s descent from plane
B&W 8 x 10 Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.6 Reception line for President and Mrs.
Nixon as they deplane, Anchorage
B&W 8 x 10 Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.7 President Nixon shaking hand of Emperor
Hiro Hito, Mrs. Nixon behind Pres.,
Empress on steps of plane
B&W 8 x 10* Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.8 Crowd along fourth avenue awaiting
arrival of President Nixon
B&W 8 x 10 Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.9 President Nixon and Emperor Hiro Hito in
hanger at Elmendorf
B&W 8 x 10* Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.10 Honor guard uniformed men at hangar,
B&W 8 x 10 Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.11 Empress Hito and Japanese dignitaries
waiting entrance to hangar, Elmendorf
B&W 8 x 10 Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.12 Resident Nixon and Mrs. Nixon with
unidentified officer and woman
B&W 8 x 10 Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.13 U.S. Air Force band at Elmendorf B&W 8 x 10 Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.14 President Nixon, Emperor Hiro Hito at
rostrum, Elmendorf
B&W 8 x 10 Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.15 President Nixon, Mrs. Nixon and Senator
Stevens at Elmendorf air field
B&W 8 x 10* Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.16 Emperor Hiro Hito and Princess deplaning
at Elmendorf
B&W 8 x 10 Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.17 President and Mrs. Nixon arriving at
B&W 8 x 10 Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974
B71.56.18 President Nixon at rostrum, Elmendorf B&W 8 x 10 Nixon, Richard M.,
Pres., U.S., 1968-1974

*Has Negative