3 images matching batter


(stock 1281-003)(08/04/52)(4negs)(Little League, McKinley liions Club0 (003,4,Youngsters at bat)[Umpire, catcher and batter engaged with a pitch. View is from home plate towards third base with crowd watching on from side lines]
Keywords: baseball, recreation, batter, referee, umpire

Collection: B1983.091 Ward Wells / Stock


Oscar and Teresa, Riley's kids [small child wearing Western-style clothing and skin boots holding beater with batter, young girl, Theodora Riley, in doorway of log cabin in background, container from Blue Ribbon Eggs at left, late 1930s]
Keywords: clothing, footwear, food, residences

Collection: B1995.014


E43 Alaskan 'Yummie,' "(children w/eggbeater)" [child holding eggbeater, batter on hands and face stands outside log cabin, kuspuk, sweater, mukluks; child stands just inside cabin door wearing plaid dress, hat, lace-up boots; wood crate with Blue [?] Eggs" label, copy neg]

Collection: B1998.014 Brickley