17 images matching Exxon


A scene we'd like to see: the exxon excutive washroom
Keywords: Anchorage Daily News, cartoons, comics, political, exxon valdez, evos

Collection: B2009.017


What technique does exxon propose for cleaning? A wave motion
Keywords: Anchorage Daily News, cartoons, comics, political, exxon valdez, evos

Collection: B2009.017


Crude oil slick near Smith Island in Prince William Sound, Alaska, March 1989 [Oil Rigs and Pipelines - Exxon Oil Spill], 1989
Keywords: Randy Brandon, Third Eye Photography, Oil Rigs and Pipelines, Exxon Oil Spill, Pollution, Climate, Smith Island, Prince William Sound, Exxon

Collection: B2016.019


Goods news 75% of the crude remained in the tanker!
Keywords: exxon valdez, evos, Anchorage Daily News, political, cartoons, comics

Collection: B2009.017


Fatally oiled in the Valdez spill
Keywords: exxon valdez, evos, Anchorage Daily News, political, cartoons, comics

Collection: B2009.017


how is it poosible for this ship to be in this bottle?
Keywords: exxon valdez, evos, Anchorage Daily News, political, cartoons, comics

Collection: B2009.017


Under the contingency plan who must clean up after a major oil spill
Keywords: exxon valdez, evos, Anchorage Daily News, political, cartoons, comics

Collection: B2009.017


What does a successful oil industry skimming operation look like?
Keywords: exxon valdez, evos, Anchorage Daily News, political, cartoons, comics

Collection: B2009.017


Dear Don greetings from scenic prince william sound wish you were here
Keywords: exxon valdez, evos, Anchorage Daily News, political, cartoons, comics

Collection: B2009.017


News item NTSB investigates possibility tanker may have been trying to shoot the gap
Keywords: exxon valdez, evos, Anchorage Daily News, political, cartoons, comics

Collection: B2009.017


The only law that had teeth in Prince William Sound
Keywords: exxon valdez, evos, Anchorage Daily News, political, cartoons, comics

Collection: B2009.017


The sound of science
Keywords: comics, exxon valdez, evos, Anchorage Daily News, political, cartoons

Collection: B2009.017


another unsafe single bottom
Keywords: comics, exxon valdez, evos, Anchorage Daily News, political, cartoons

Collection: B2009.017


Possible spill caused mutation that really worries industry
Keywords: comics, exxon valdez, evos, Anchorage Daily News, political, cartoons

Collection: B2009.017


Keywords: comics, exxon valdez, evos, Anchorage Daily News, political, cartoons

Collection: B2009.017


Joe Hazelwood Accepts teaching job at mariners college
Keywords: comics, exxon valdez, evos, Anchorage Daily News, political, cartoons

Collection: B2009.017


More evidence the food chain is screwed up in Prince William Sound
Keywords: comics, exxon valdez, evos, Anchorage Daily News, political, cartoons

Collection: B2009.017