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The Anchorage Museum library includes books, maps, and print resources focused on Alaska and the Circumpolar North. The public is welcome to access the collection and conduct research on-site during open hours, or by appointment.
The Anchorage Museum archives include historic photographs and print materials covering a broad range of topics related to Alaska and the Circumpolar North. Some materials are available online, while others are available for detailed research on site at the Bob and Evangeline Atwood Alaska Resource Center.
43183 Eskimos clean whale baleen
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990.014.4
[people cutting whale on ice edge, baleen visible; print date Jun 81]
Keywords: hunting
Collection: B2016.004
April 20-29, 1966 (428 negs) Gambell, St. Lawrence Island (Cutting baleen.)
Collection: B1983.091 Ward Wells / Stock
28151 Baleen, Once used for women's corsets. Now used to weave baskets or wall decorations
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990.014.4
30661 First Cleaning process is to peel away gum that retain the baleen: Right Whale: Esk. May 70
Collection: B1990.014 McCutcheon Collection / B1990.014.4
Originally in B3 F61. Wien Destinations. Barrow. [Woman and native girl with baleen]. 8 x 10 negative.
Collection: B1985.027 Wien Collection
Harvesting whale blubber and baleen, Barrow, Alaska [people cutting whale on ice edge; print date Jun 81]
Keywords: hunting
Collection: B2016.004
4/20-29/66 (428 negs) Gambell, St. Lawrence Island trip : the whale hunt... (Butchering whale. Removing baleen.)
Collection: B1983.091 Ward Wells / Stock
Originally in B3 F64. Wien Destinations. Pt. Barrow. Eskimo girl, 2 tourists & baleen. 8 x 10 negative.
Collection: B1985.027 Wien Collection
Alaska Shop; female whale - 70 ton "Wright" - Akutan, Alaska [likely a right whale on shore next to structure; whaling station; baleen visible at right; men standing nearby]
Collection: B1998.014 Brickley
Jan71P7 #16031 Barrow [Inupiat men and women wearing fur trimmed parkas, mukluks play drums, sing; painting of polar bear, seal, person, dogs; drum and whale baleen on wall]
Keywords: Alaska, BIPOC, Inupiat, Barrow, Utqiagvik, Dancing, Drum, Drummers, Parka, Baleen
Collection: B2017.024
August 1961 "Alaska - Eskimo dancers entertain at Kotzebue Social Club - winter; copyright 1986" [people drumming and singing whil others dance or observe; lettering on back wall: "Pagel(obstructed)cipsee E(obstructed)lot"; baleen hanging over window; snowshoes hanging on wall at left]
Collection: B2017.024