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The Anchorage Museum library includes books, maps, and print resources focused on Alaska and the Circumpolar North. The public is welcome to access the collection and conduct research on-site during open hours, or by appointment.
The Anchorage Museum archives include historic photographs and print materials covering a broad range of topics related to Alaska and the Circumpolar North. Some materials are available online, while others are available for detailed research on site at the Bob and Evangeline Atwood Alaska Resource Center.
[Two Indigenous Alaskan kids at a picnic reading comics; boy with pompadour hairstyle covering his face with an Archie comic]
Keywords: Indigenous, BIPOC, Alaska, Alaskan, Kids, Young man, Boy, Girl, Comics, Comic, Archie, Picnic, Pompadour, Hairstyle, Reading, Recreation
Collection: B2022.005 Amidon
T100 Kotzebue, Alaska (America’s Farthest North Restaurant in Feb 1948, Archie Ferguson’s Grille) [copy neg; same as .1789]
Collection: B1998.014 Brickley
6 am 9/6/26. Back from duck hunt at Beluga River & Lewis Slough. Left to right: Harold Osborne, Johnny Weis, E.R. Tarwater, Geo. Neil, Dr. A.S. Haverstock, J.J.D., Archie Lewis, R.D. Thompson, Ray Matheson, Neil Wanamaker, Lyle Larsen, Nick Gaikema, ?
Keywords: hunting
Collection: B1970.019 J_J_ Delaney Collection
(T100 Kotzebue, America’s Farthest North Restaurant in Feb 1948, Archie Ferguson’s Grille) [structure with faux brick cladding, arctic entry, snow on ground and entry roof; flyer posted above Arctic entry: “at the Midnight Sun Theatre Road to Reno with Randolf [sic, Randolph] Scott, Hope Hampton, Glenda Farrell; at the Midnight Sun Theatre, A Cowboy”
Collection: B1998.014 Brickley
Woolworth's store now, 1917. [handwritten and typed information on reverse] Masonic Temple spring of 1917. Small building in rear with sign "storage" on it was used as the first Presbyterian church while the present one was being built. A small corner of the roof can be seen. 1962.. Masonic temple 1963 Woolworth's 10 c store. corner of 4th Avenue and F Streets. Brought in by Norma Hoyt who received it at Christmas time from a Mrs. Archie Lewis. She gave it to us Feb. 24, 1963 during our Fur Rendezvous opening (1 week). [dog team on street in front of building, snow]
Collection: B1963.016 Marie Silverman
[caption from neg:] First Tennis Tournament, Nome, Alaska, June 22nd, 1913; Lomen Bros, #513 [Names written above the men are from left to right:] Lee McCloy, Lomen, Geo(rge) McCloud, Archie Newton, Walter Johnson, Gus Sieffert, Ralph Loman, J.J. Cole(?) Dan Crowley; Judge Murane, Loyd Scott, Geo(rge) Schrofield, Carl Lomen, Dr Mustard, Otto Van Sycte, Arthur Cole, Fred Hanks, Frank Thatcher. [18 men standing behind tennis net, some holding rackets, balls, hats; structures in background; copy neg.]
Collection: B1965.018 Fred Henton
Copper River and Northwestern Railway Front Row-Left to Right Jas. English, Track Supt. Van Cleve; Sam Murchinson Supt. of Construction; Michael J. Heney Contractor; Capt. "Dynamite" Johnny O'Brian; E.C. Hawkins, Chief Engineer; Alfred Williams assistant Chief Engineer (on step) ; Dr. F. B. Whiting (with gloves in hand) Chief Surgeon; P.J. O'Brian Supt. of Bridges; Back Row - 1 - Dr. Bouncil; 2- Archie Shields; 3- Bill Simpoon (steam shovel); 4-Robinson; 5-Unknown; 6-Unknown. From the Ralph E. Mackay Alaskan photographic collection E.A. Hegg - Photo
Collection: B1972.104