52 images matching +Stock +Photos


M-26. Matanuska Valley stock, 1937. Hewitt's Photo Shop [cow]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


151. Valley stock, Palmer, Alaska. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage [pig in barn]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


41. Colonist live stock, Palmer, Alaska. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage [cattle]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


Gretchen Taylor & mom at Louis [Bencze?] workshop, [Stock Photos - Lighting Workshop], 1989
Keywords: Randy Brandon, Third Eye Photography, Stock Photos, Lighting Workshop, Gretchen Taylor, People, Women

Collection: B2016.019


M-8. Prize Holstein bull and direct descendant of the famous "Carnation Brand" stock, Eklutna School stock. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage, Alaska (Matanuska Valley Fair, Prize Stock, 1937) [boy holding calf with halter next to barn]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


P-48. Matanuska Valley stock, Palmer, Alaska. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage [horse in front of building]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


M-1. Plenty of "This" up here. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage, Alaska (Matanuska Valley Fair, 1937, Prize Stock) [bull]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] “Dubby” [portrait of husky, possibly sled dog owned by Scotty Allan; black and white]

Collection: B2018.023


40. Colonists live stock, Palmer, Alaska. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage [man with cows at homestead, log cabins, walled tents, and automobile visible]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [likely mining equipment at shore; steam engine?; man wearing cap in lower right; ropes; hand colored]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “74” “Lomen Bros.” [winter scene; musher with sled dog team, sled; black and white]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] “Dubby” [verso of slide: portrait of husky, possibly sled dog owned by Scotty Allan; black and white]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “90” “Arctic Owls; A-340 [?]” [three owls on perches, likely taxidermy with fabric background; black and white]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] 1911 A rose walk, Portland, Oregon [street scene of blooming flowers, sidewalks, domiciles, front porches; hand colored]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [verso of slide: likely mining equipment at shore; steam engine?; man wearing cap in lower right; ropes; hand colored]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “74” “Lomen Bros.” [verso of slide: winter scene; musher with sled dog team, sled; black and white]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “90” [verso of slide] “Arctic Owls; A-340 [?]” [three owls on perches, likely taxidermy with fabric background; black and white]

Collection: B2018.023


Brown Swiss Alpine bull, prize winner at the Matanuska Valley Fair. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage, Alaska (Prize Stock, 1937) [man holding bull with nose grips next to barn]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] 1911 A rose walk, Portland, Oregon [verso of slide: street scene of blooming flowers, sidewalks, domiciles, front porches; hand colored]

Collection: B2018.023


M-4. Brown Swiss Alpine calf, prize winner at the Matanuska Valley Fair. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage, Alaska (Prize Stock, 1937) [man holding calf with halter next to barn]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “79” “Walrus heads, Nome, Alaska” [walrus heads with tusks, likely on wooden boat, letter “K” inside diamond shape; black and white]

Collection: B2018.023


M-5. A prize winning Brown Swiss Alpine cow, Matanuska Valley Fair, 1937. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage, Alaska (Prize Stock, 1937) [man holding cow with halter next to barn]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “61” [caption] “Collection of nuggets of Nome, Alaska” [gold nuggets arranged in display, some in frames listing possibly locations and dates; black and white image]

Collection: B2018.023


M-2. Brown Swiss Alpine bull, blue ribbon winner of the Matanuska Valley Fair. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage, Alaska (Prize Stock, 1937) [man holding bull with nose grips next to barn]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “79” [verso of slide] “Walrus heads, Nome, Alaska” [walrus heads with tusks, likely on wooden boat, letter “K” inside diamond shape; black and white]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “61” [verso of slide] [caption] “Collection of nuggets of Nome, Alaska” [gold nuggets arranged in display, some in frames listing possibly locations and dates; black and white image]

Collection: B2018.023


E45 Diomede Island mother & child, Frank Morgan photo [portrait of woman with braide hair, wearing fabric parka with fur trim child inside back of parka, belt, knit stocking cap, headscarf, copy neg]

Collection: B1998.014 Brickley


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “58” “…ld Goose Co. Sluicing on Discovery Day Creek, Nome, Alaska” [likely Wild Goose Co.; miners at sluice boxes, water, equipment; black and white image]

Collection: B2018.023


M-6. A first prize winner brown Swiss Alpine heifer. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage, Alaska (Matanuska Valley Fair, Prize Stock, 1937) [man holding cow with halter next to barn with "Matanuska Valley Fair" painted on it]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “64” [winter scene; men, women, children wearing fur parkas, mukluks pose in front of cache; furs on cache; ladder, possibly boats in background; black and white image]

Collection: B2018.023


M-7. A prize bull of the original "Carnation Brand" Holstein sire. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage, Alaska (Matanuska Valley Fair, Prize Stock, 1937) [man with boy holding calf by halter next to barn painted with "Matanuska Valley Fair"]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “58” “…ld Goose Co. Sluicing on Discovery Day Creek, Nome, Alaska” [verso of slide: likely Wild Goose Co.; miners at sluice boxes, water, equipment; black and white image]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “64” [verso of slide: winter scene; men, women, children wearing fur parkas, mukluks pose in front of cache; furs on cache; ladder, possibly boats in background; black and white image]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “29” “Freighting with Reindeer, Nome, Alaska” [snow scene; people wearing parkas, surrounding sledge filled with supplies, furs, reindeer, handler, snow, harness, structure in background; black and white image]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “62” [caption] “Rocking on Nome Beach” [three men using minding equipment in water, cart, sluicebox, rocker box; structures in background; boats or possibly dredges in distance; black and white image]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “29” verso of slide: “Freighting with Reindeer, Nome, Alaska” [snow scene; people wearing parkas, surrounding sledge filled with supplies, furs, reindeer, handler, snow, harness, structure in background; black and white image]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “62” [verso of slide; caption] “Rocking on Nome Beach” [three men using minding equipment in water, cart, sluicebox, rocker box; structures in background; boats or possibly dredges in distance; black and white image]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [from verso] “0785 Pioneer Square, Seattle, Wash; Detroit Publishing Co.” [street scene with men, women walking; horses pulling wagons; Hotel Seattle at center; structures; utility poles; street lamps; black and white]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] “0785 Pioneer Square, Seattle, Wash; Detroit Publishing Co.” [verso of slide: street scene with men, women walking; horses pulling wagons; Hotel Seattle at center; structures; utility poles; street lamps; black and white]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto [Baltimore?] [Caption:] "In the far north, one mile out. On Behring [sic: Bearing] Sea, Nome, Alaska" [label] "42" [men, women, children pose on jumbled sea ice; dogs, dogsled, skis, parkas, woman waves an American flag]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “55” [caption:] “Union Mining Co. East Dump on Flat Creek, Nome, Alaska. May 3, ‘08” [two men and one horse at mining operation; ladders, structures, possible tailings pile, 1908 black and white image]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “48” caption: "Eskimos of Northwestern Alaska, Nome" [women and children wearing fur parkas and mukluks pose on steps outside structures, "Circulating Library: Books sold and Rented, Stationery" and Golden Gate Store; furs hanging from building; black and white]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “55” [verso of slide] [caption:] “Union Mining Co. East Dump on Flat Creek, Nome, Alaska. May 3, ‘08” [two men and one horse at mining operation; ladders, structures, possible tailings pile, 1908 black and white image]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto [Baltimore?] [Caption] "In the far north, one mile out. On Behring [sic: Bearing] Sea, Nome, Alaska" [label] "42" [verso view of slide: men, women, children pose on jumbled sea ice; dogs, dogsled, skis, parkas, woman waves an American flag]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] [label] “48” caption: "Eskimos of Northwestern Alaska, Nome" [verso of slide: women and children wearing fur parkas and mukluks pose on steps outside structures, "Circulating Library: Books sold and Rented, Stationery" and Golden Gate Store; furs hanging from building; black and white]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto [Baltimore?] Caption: "In the far north, one mile out. On Behring [sic: Bearing] Sea, Nome, Alaska" [lablel] "42" [image of slide, including decorative border; men, women, children pose on jumbled sea ice; dogs, dogsled, skis, parkas, woman waves an American flag]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto [Baltimore?] Ft. Davis Alaska Oct. 12th [19]09. "Soldiers" [label] “26” [Men dogs, horses pose in front of structure, Ft. Davis Saloon, Dan Galvin, proprietor; Drinks 12-1/2 cents; near Nome; water in background, Norton Sound; possibly boat at right background]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto [Baltimore?] Ft. Davis Alaska Oct. 12th [19]09. "Soldiers" [label] “26” [Men dogs, horses pose in front of structure, Ft. Davis Saloon, Dan Galvin, proprietor; Drinks 12-1/2 cents; near Nome; water in background, Norton Sound; possibly boat at right background]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] Nome Dairy [label] “27” [winter scene people, men, cow atop snow drifts, covered roof of structure; two people with horse and cow at left; firewood, yoke, sign for Nome Dairy on snow; man carrying two milk cans using shoulder yoke, dog on roof]

Collection: B2018.023


J. Sussman Stock Photo Co. Balto. [Baltimore?] Nome Dairy [label] “27” [verso view of slide: winter scene people, men, cow atop snow drifts, covered roof of structure; two people with horse and cow at left; firewood, yoke, sign for Nome Dairy on snow; man carrying two milk cans using shoulder yoke, dog on roof]

Collection: B2018.023