4 images matching +Charles +Card


Judge Larry Card’s sister, Marilyn Evans, with Charles Card
Keywords: BIPOC, BPOC, HistoryMakers, History Makers, Black Alaskans, Alaskans, African Americans, Judge Larry Card, Larry Card, Judge Card, Anchorage, Marilyn Evans, Charles Card, Family

Collection: B2021.006 Judge Larry Card Collection


Brother Charles Card talking, in front Judge Larry Card’s neighbors Huong and Diep Phan, and Tom Lawson
Keywords: BIPOC, BPOC, HistoryMakers, History Makers, Black Alaskans, Alaskans, African Americans, Judge Larry Card, Larry Card, Judge Card, Anchorage, Charles Card, Family, Huong Phan, Diep Phan, Tom Lawson

Collection: B2021.006 Judge Larry Card Collection


Left to Right: Charles W. Card [Judge Larry Card’s brother], Virginia Card Smith [Judge Larry Card’s sister], Marilyn Evans [Judge Larry Card’s sister]
Keywords: BIPOC, BPOC, HistoryMakers, History Makers, Black Alaskans, Alaskans, African Americans, Judge Larry Card, Larry Card, Judge Card, Anchorage, Charles W. Card, Virginia Card Smith, Marilyn Evans, Family

Collection: B2021.006 Judge Larry Card Collection


Alaska, Merry Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Wells and Charles. Thomas Kodagraph Shop, Anchorage [greeting card mock-up with sketch of bear with photograph of glacier and terminal lake. copy neg, mock-up clipped to copy stand with clothespins]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection