14 images from collection B1971_014 CIHS Grube Collection


[from verso] Squaw with birchbark canoe on Yukon River; [1923 scrapbook or album; copy print]

Collection: B1971.014 CIHS Grube Collection


[from verso] Berry pickers [three women sitting on ground laughing; one womar pointing; bucket; 1923 scrapbook or album; copy print]

Collection: B1971.014 CIHS Grube Collection


[from verso] Natives of Tanana Valley [young woman posing in shallow water of river; headband; 1923 scrapbook or album; copy print]

Collection: B1971.014 CIHS Grube Collection


Collection: B1971.014 CIHS Grube Collection


[from verso] Native girls own idea of posing [young woman wrapped in striped blanket and headband stands in mud on shore; river in background; 1923 scrapbook or album; copy print]

Collection: B1971.014 CIHS Grube Collection


Copper River Indians Cordova, Alaska; hand colored [from verso] woodsmen[four men standing with axes, two two-man crosscut saws; 1923 scrapbook or album; copy print; not in color]

Collection: B1971.014 CIHS Grube Collection


of Copper River Indians, Alaska; 403 [from verso[ Family of Copper River Indians [men, children pose; 1923 scrapbook or album; copy print]

Collection: B1971.014 CIHS Grube Collection


Collection: B1971.014 CIHS Grube Collection


[from verso] two natives - rowing [two people paddling canoe; 1923 scrapbook or album; copy print]

Collection: B1971.014 CIHS Grube Collection


[from verso] Native girl's own idea of posing [woman wearing floral dress and apron stands with hand on hip; watering can and possibly a rain barrel at left; fence, structure in background; 1923 scrapbook or album; copy print]

Collection: B1971.014 CIHS Grube Collection


East Cape Eskimo, in Oomiak arriving in Nome, Alaska

Collection: B1971.014 CIHS Grube Collection


On Yukon River, Alaska Indian in Birch bark canoe [1909?]

Collection: B1971.014 CIHS Grube Collection


Collection: B1971.014 CIHS Grube Collection


Doc Billum & family at Copper River Ferry

Collection: B1971.014 CIHS Grube Collection