6 images matching +Little +girl


Each little girl made her own dress, also what is underneath.

Collection: B2011.007 Mary Breu Etta Jones Collection


Judy, Annette, July ’52 [little girl on dock]
Keywords: Annette Island, children

Collection: B2016.024


[man and little girl unloading delivery truck in front of Anchorage Fruit & Produce Company, 1937?]
Keywords: businesses

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


Connie Betsy Kiminuk telling a ghost story, Little Diomede Is. [young girl standing on snow; print date Apr 83. At AFN 2022, spelling of name was corrected to Connie Kiminock]
Keywords: Alaska, Little Diomede, Children, Recreation, Boxes, Story, Fran Durner

Collection: B2016.004


D-30. Three little Eskimos. Hewitt's Photo Shop, Anchorage [two young boys in fur parkas and small girl in printed parka standing outdoors next to log cabin and cache]

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection


D-20 [Native family standing next to log house, with mother in print parka carrying young boy and father in parka and mukluks holding little girl in print parka, oil barrels behind, frozen waterway in background]
Keywords: houses, residences, villages, clothing

Collection: B1989.016 Lu Liston Collection