3 images matching +Beach +grass


[two Alaska Native girls sitting in grass on beach]

Collection: B1995.010


"Tanunak, 1958, Roe and other fish products drying on beach" [Medina Flynn; Mrs. James (IDed on back of slide) women and children gathered on gravel beach processing herring; grass bundles; dried fish in right background; boat; parkas, kuspuks]

Collection: B1991.011 Christine Heller Collection


{Nunvak Island trip: Native people. (Mekoryuk Village)} [view of village, structures, homes, fish drying racks, laundry, clotheslines, tarpaper roofs, quonsets, driftwood fences, enclosures, canvas wall tents, storage tanks, beach grass, kayaks, boats, Bering Sea, iand in distance, person walking at left of center; boy sitting on steel drum (container) at left, windmill church or school at center background will bell on roof]

Collection: B1983.091 Ward Wells / Stock